Sharon Osbourne is the worst kind of freak in Hollywood. She is a perfect companion for the horrific Piers Morgan, who is a racist gas bag. Osbourne is a racist too. I witnessed her disgusting conduct in a store in Studio City in the LA area. She is a bully & name calling witch. Totally arrogant & selfish. CBS should cut her loose. I'm sure her good buddy Piers will hire her on whatever trash he's landed on after his big failure on the UK's ITV morning show Good Morning Britain.

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I suspect she will lose her job or the talk will be trashy and use this for ratings, I suspect Sharon is the type who thinks calling people racial and homophobic slurs is “just joking”, if the person you are saying it to doesn’t see the humor, it’s not a joke, and it’s still racist and homophobic even if they do.

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I think everyone forgets Sharon is a rude and crude 68. She' went from an ordinary mean fat british frump who lived in prairie dresses to the surgically enhanced, chic older woman we see today.

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Using that British accent trying to charm her way out. Shame on her

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Shame on you .. wow, what a racist comment.

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Burn her at the stake!

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Nah just let her lay around her mansion complaining to Ozzy about being cancelled while getting a fancy spa treatment and having her personal chef make her whatever the fuck she wants, we don’t have to hear her loud mouth and she gets to stay rich and have an amazing life... it’s a win for all.

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She can be a rich biatch all she wants, but it doesn't take the ghetto out of her.

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I agree

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please for investigative purposes do not forget the long and vicious history of sharon osbourne in the music business , stiffing musicians out of their pay and rights, rerecording their tracks , torturous bullying etc... its really bad - ☮️

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Her father taught her well. He was notorious for doing the same.

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OMG, Sharon Osbourne fits the description of a bigoted racist. Hollywood doesn't care if you have lots of resources. I do not see any accountability coming from this. It's my opinion, that CBS has known about her behavior for years. CBS doesn't care about unconscious bias. CBS is the show that produces Big Brother that is rigged for only whites to win and has been shown to be rigged for 21 years of production. These TV producers are all racist producers who cater to "white television" and forces everyone to watch white television shows. Business as usual. Leah Remini is a sychophant who's silence is part of the problem for creating bullies who terrorize people with no consequences.

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Do you know what racist even means? It has nothing to do with money, resources, who you know. You sound just as racist! People throw the word around like the word love now a days! But, you seem to have all the answers figured out? I’m so sick of ignorant comments! I’m so tired of people thinking they know! You don’t know anything but the last breath you took! How dare you perpetuate the same hate black people say is thrown at them! Oh, and you know what, don’t even dare call me racist, I’m an American who is tired of all the ignorant hate! He said this, she said that, boo hoo! People need to start acting like adults and try and be role models for kids, not behave like kids! SHAME ON YOU AND ALL YOUR GLORIOUS HATEFUL IGNORANCE!

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Exactly. This Woke Movement has an open and aggressive agenda of undermining all of human progress and potential unleashed by the Enlightenment and revert us to tribal conformist. Ending free expression and free thought is step one. Sharon Osborne.. Don't back down! Don't apologize! We have your back.

Rock and Roll!

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So you're defending confirmed reports of her falsifying police reports against an ethnic woman, calling her a Persian carpet cunt, and kicking her sister who was completely uninvolved? Geez.

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When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

Maya Angelou

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Ahhhh progress, you mean the righties wishing things were like the good ol days and people wouldn’t get sooo offended by the slurs white people said to them , we just joking!!! Sharon was also terrible to people in Ozzy’s orbit, was so against paying a musician who played on one of Ozzy’s albums royalties that she actually had someone else re-record his part, Ozzy said he had no part in that decision and that Sharon “snapped”... I feel like bc the story doesn’t involve racism that you might just see that she’s garbage regardless of her racism.

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So is Ellen. I don't see the left cancelling her. Since she's a dyke, she gets a pass

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The reasons Ellen is still on the air is because of her ratings and her wealth.; the stuff that matters. The suits don’t care who she sleeps with.

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Who are WE? Kkk? I don’t give a fuck about her

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Shame on you for supporting perverts and pedos

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Can you explain was racism means to me? I feel like you didn’t quite explain it in your rant.

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Shame on you Big Mouth. Witchfinder General.

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That is not an excuse for the public lynching, shaming and Hollywood Blacklist tactics of the Cancel Culture led by the Puritanical and Self-Righteous Woke mobs. If you think someone harmed someone and can prove it, then call the police .. or ask your congressman to pass a law. Vigilante "justice" by people who do not know the whole story of anything is not the answer .. it will come back and bite you and yours in the butt.

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Yeah, you know her, right? Perhaps you should sign her up for your re-education camp.

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You could just watch the View instead, no wait, they are just as bad and even worse.

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Bottom line her TRUE colors have come out and she is just a RACIST STUPID BITCH!!..They play victim once they are pulled on the carpet..Now its time to clean house on the BS!!

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Burn the witches? Let me guess, you belong to the "Woke" Cancel Culture hate groups. Shame on you.

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“Hate groups”..... hating racists and homophobes... is that what you mean? Also, you do realize being woke isn’t a bad thing? Like... its kind of hilarious you use it to “insult” people considering where the word comes from, trust me you’re not offending anyone when you say it to them... unless they’re like you.

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Cancel culture and being woke is out of control, example that Black woman who got fired from Teen Vogue for a few posts she made when she was 17 ten years ago! That is insanity and there are many instances like that.

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How is being "woke" not a bad thing? Explain.

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I hate Cancel culture but I saw her interview about the fire story and she was proud of it and told it with absolute glee. I believe she is not a good person.

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There are laws or other official sanctions governing bad behavior. Lynching is not a substitute .. and cancel culture is a form of lynching.

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There are laws and official sanctions for proven harmful behavior .. lynching is not a substitute. Cancel culture is a form of lynching.

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I used to watch the talk until, they fired leah and holly. At first I didn't like sharon because years before, I had watched her mc an award show where she cussed the whole time, and I believed she used the f word.Then after watching her on the Talk, I liked her because of the fact she owned, the good, bad and ugly about herself and family. But now ,I feel differently, I remember the segment when, she called Leah ghetto and I thought, how could she call her that, when sharon always had a ghetto mouth and by her own words, some of things she told about herself and ozzy are straight up ghetto actions,because anyone can be ghetto, because it 's a character and mind set! Holly always conducted herself as a Lady. After her a Leah left, the show I heard rumors that sharon said they hadn't did anything of importance or something to that effect. And I thought Holly did 21 Jump Street and Hanging with Mr.Cooper.And we all know Leah did the iconic King of Queens ,what had sharon done, she has gotten fame from being ozzy's wife. And I also remember a segment when julie chen was upset with leah and told her, I can have my husband fire your a**. And I don't believe eve told the real reason she left the show, she said to work on starting a family, but if that was the case, why is she starting a new show on, abc,i think there were other reasons she left, just like with Marie, but didn't speak on.I think sharon is racist and a bully, like her friend piers and she needs to be fired and the Talk needs to be Canceled. And Good Morning Britain, should have fired piers a long time ago, but when he walked off,they used it to there benefit now that I think about it they probably did want to let him go.

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I don’t know if the show should get cancelled, if it doesn’t I do hope Underwood gets some sort of show, or they just redo the show completely with a new name and let her be at the helm... things need to change. I think Sharon’s “I am who I am” shtick appealed to people, but after watching Trump win an election using the same assholery... I’m so over it, it’s a very entitled way to act, as if your actions should have no consequences cause you’re just being your authentic self and people should respect that, if being a brash, loud, “comical”homophobic racist is who you are... people don’t need to respect you, people don’t need to enable you out of fear of retribution (Like Leah was talking abt), people don’t need you period.

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This lady was a racist when I ran her fathers business called Jet Records back in the late 70’s and 80’s. She and I were partners in the Ozzy Osbourne production agreements. My job was also to clean up her messes. She was a racist then and never grew. It’s a pity. Age we become great wine or rotten grapes. Sharon is what she is. She is the Alice and Wonderland Queen who still screams off with their heads.

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If you worked at Jet Records, this must have been near the beginning of Ozzy’s solo career. I have no doubt that the negativity about Sharon has a base.

I’ve always wondered a couple of things: did Sharon, who reportedly went back and altered Randy Rhoads’ (his first guitarist in the solo band he debuted with, and by all accounts a genius on guitar) contract with Ozzy and Sharon, ACTUALLY go back after RR’s death and change the terms/amount of money Randy’s estate was owed?

As well, Sharon and Ozzy have always maintained there was little to no live footage featuring Randy Rhoads or the rest of the band from that era. Is that true, or are the Osbournes actually sitting on pro-shot or other film footage of BLIZZARD OF OZZ/DIARY OF A MADMAN era concerts? I’ve never believed that the small amount of footage featuring Randy Rhoads and the rest of the band was the only footage that the Osbournes had.

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Sharon is Sharon. People need to grow a sack and get over it. Period

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She can eat her own sack.

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This author is a member of the Woke movement. Reader beware.

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Stop watching Tucker Carlson and gargling his balls

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They all talk like him too, that’s how I can tell someone is one of the bigot police

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It’s a vibe

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“Woke movement”? That’s hilarious! The only people who use ridiculous terms like that are sycophantic #Cult45 members.

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If I don’t see their membership card then I don’t believe it, fake news!!!

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I saw that interview about the fire and she told the story herself and with positive glee! I believe she is a bad person. I also believe Leah Remini, she had the guts to take on the cult of Scientology!

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I'm amazed Sharon hasn't been called out for her misbehavior years before this...

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My mom has been saying how terrible she is ever since she was on The Apprentice. She also treated a lot of people who worked with Ozzy on his music terribly.

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It sounds as if Ozzy himself has been terrified of her for decades!!!

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When the OJ trial concluded black people celebrated with joy even though the evidence showed a wife beater and murderer. Others felt sick that no justice was served. The point of the story is that people will always believe their own truth no necessarily THE TRUTH. Sharon created years of HUGE revenues for the network. They wanted her to be bold , brazen and provocative until they didn't. Meghan Markle was never a poor black woman. She had the best private schools paid for by her white father. Meghan was in a white sorority and is trying to capitalize on her race to be the root of all of her problems. She married 2 white men (not black men) When Black men marry white women it does not sit well with the Black culture.

Diana had horrible issues with the Royals and the Britain Press and she is white and was also from a prestigious family. Meghan did not experience her all of her issues because of her race. Why were so many of Meghan assistance fired or quit? Harry dated many gals prior to Meghan that wanted nothing to do with Royal Life. How could Meghan claim being in her a mid thirties that she knew nothing of the royal family when she visited England and has a picture in front of Buckingham Castle at age 10? What "poor" American black girl vacations in England? Meghan could have literally googled Diana videos, read books, articles etc and said she never did? (Skeptical)

Her truth and the real truth.

Perhaps they should go to family therapy and leave the rest of the world out of their drama?

Sharon point if view comes from be a Brit and her culture. Sheryl knows nothing of the British culture but insisted defending Meghan claims of racism based on one unknown family member. (not the whole family one person) Sheryl never met Meghan but knew Sharon to be a close friend for years. No one was racist to Sheryl as the subject was not about her.

Sheryl preaches her love of Sharon and faith but one bad day made her an enemy? Sheryl was accused of being the catalyst of Marie Osmond leaving the show. Marie went on record that Sharon had nothing to do with it. Why would Sheryl hate Marie?

Any article could be written to make anyone look bad. STOP THE HATE. STOP THE CANCEL CULTURE.

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Anyone who knows Sharon knows these accusations are completely false. Congrats on pulling from "unnamed sources" and a few that have had longtime bones to pick with Sharon, including the seriously unbalanced Leah Remini who is still working through her scientology-induced brain damage.

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But wait ... Osbourne told a complete lie in the press when she said that she never referred to her Talk cohosts as "ghetto" (she actually said it's a word she never uses) when there is a whole clip of her from The Talk calling Leah Remini "ghetto." She has ZERO credibility. That lady is completely unstable and in need of treatment!

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True and for an agency to demand an apology on behalf on an agent publicly is big.

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Can you read? I never used the word "racist" anywhere in my post -- YOU did. I pointed out the fact that Osbourne is a proven liar whose word carries absolutely no credibility. Anything she has to say about ANYTHING should be taken with a grain of salt. And clearly, millions of people around the world saw the utter meltdown this near 70-year-old freak show had when asked a simple question. If she is not on medication or in counseling, she needs to be.

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what's false about the accusations? I believe each and every one of them--just watch an episode of the "Osbournes"--and see Miss "Pottymouth" in action--the fact that 11 people have come forward (most of them have non-disclosure agreements and can't identify themselves for fear of job loss etc)-tells you all you need to know--and turn your "hero" worship onto someone else--because it's grossly misplaced on Osbourne

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100 percent true.

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Watch the show she was on when she personally told the horrible story of sending her employee into a burning building to retrieve art, gave his oxygen mask to her dog and fired him because she didn't like his comment that it wasn't funny! I swear she told that story with absolute glee, she was proud of it! It was disgusting and you could see she is not a good person.

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WoW!! that's the problem you all just keep your empty self absorb head up your own assessss.

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I concur I have heard hints and seen small twitch she makes when involved in opinions and discussions. on air when I used to watch the show but ... "YUCK"

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Its time to boycott the show and its sponsors, Osborne HAS GOT TO GO !

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The whole osbourne family is weird. If Piers Morgan is Sharon’s friend then that right there should show you her character. Piers is a jerk and Sharon us a bully who has to go. Go back to England Sharon😡

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I’m genuinely curious what her family thinks.I feel like Ozzy must be somewhat like her but it also seems like Sharon has complete control over him and has had for many years, the drugs ravaged his brain.

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Go back to England? RACIST!

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Piers eats fish and chips.

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Wow. Even though I'm black, I really wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. I think Sharon adds a lot to the show and is somewhat like the voice of reason, although Cheryl is my favorite. As a man, there are just some things I don't understand about women or the female experience, like why if a man tells a random woman how beautiful she is, she gets mad and doesn't think it's a compliment. I assumed Sharon was the same way with not really understanding how certain things are racist. After reading the article I'm actually disgusted she has those clearly racist views. Although I agree with her on one thing: Leah and Holly were duds and not really good for the show.

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Don't believe everything you read. The author is a member of the "Woke" hate crowd.

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It’s interesting how the woke hate crowd aren’t the ones using racial slurs and dishing out heat that they themselves can’t handle for one second. Accountability sucks huh?

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Sure they are. They're the most bigoted of them all

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You must live under a rock.

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I don't know how you can say that with a straight face! Their hate for Conservatives especially if their Christian knows no bounds. You clearly need to do some research because you are very ignorant!

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Christians who follow Christ’s teachings are loved and respected and honored by Liberals/Progressives everywhere. “Christians” who support Conservative politicians/policies that are literally the opposite of Jesus’ teachings are the ones who come under suspicion and sometimes, derision. If Jesus came to Earth today all of you Conservative “Christians” would deride him as a woke liberal. Liberalism is what saves our World from devolving into a hell of hatred and unbridled Capitalism...which none of us ordinary people could survive. Without Liberalism, you wouldn’t have the freedom to practice your brand of Christianity because some other Conservative flavor of Christianity would tell you that you can only practice their way. I have Conservative Catholic friends and Conservative Baptist friends who vehemently believe that, without a doubt, the other is going to Hell. In short, Liberals don’t hate Christians because they love Jesus. We love the teachings of Jesus and wish Conservatives did too. Also, very importantly, the various types of Conservative Christians (and other Conservative religious folk)would end up killing each other and everyone else if not for the interventions of Moderates and Liberals/Progressives.

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The Christian card doesn’t work.

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Perhaps I'm old school but I never minded a genuine compliment provided it was in the appropriate context of a conversation. If, for example, a woman and you were talking about a philosophic principle as espoused by Kant or Socrates, if I were the receiver of a beauty compliment, I would rather be appreciated for my grasp of their philosophies as opposed to my physicality, but perhaps that would be what you consider beautiful, a combination of physical attractiveness and intellect. Just an observation and opinion, timing is everything.

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You got a C in Philosophy 101 but you musta skipped English Comp.

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I mean, some people don’t feel like being called beautiful by a random dude... having people compliment your appearance before they even know your name is kinda weird.

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I was in NYC in an elevator with my boyfriend dressed to the nines, hair makeup etc. and the operator of the elevator said to my boyfriend you have a beautiful wife. I said girlfriend and said wishful thinking. I was thrilled at that compliment and would never take offense to it. Any time I get a compliment I am grateful!

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Is it so hard for snowflakes just to say Thank you for a nice comment? OK No make a big racial protest about it. ANYTHING to fight about with you "woke" fruitcakes.

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both Underwood and Osbourne contrived to have Marie Osmond fired from the Talk-last year (despite the fact the crew/management loved her)--both threatened to leave the Talk if she wasn't removed---well I guess (at least in Osbourne's case-and hopefully eventually Underwood's case too)---"Karma" has come back to "bite her"

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Please don't believe this article. It's is SO full of BS!

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It's so obvious that is Author is trying to attack and discredit Sharon as a person and trying to destroy her character in the public's trending views! He is using this platform to tare her down publicly by using so called " undisclosed and anonymous sources who he probably made up to fill his personal problem and hatred he has with her, He complained about her being a "Bully" and from what I read in his article he sounds like quite the Bully himself!!!

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This article is not BS!!!! I’ve witnessed Sharon saying Racist things about Holly as I used to be a producer. Believe me or not. It’s true!

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Her daughter Kelly, when on The View, scoffed at Trump's Wall and immigration policies saying "If you kick out Latinos Who is going to be cleaning your toilets Donald Trump?". She gets it from her Momma!

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big fucking deal, these pussies need to grow some balls, what losers

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I believe it. She’s only denying because of accountability. There’s also the British humor which has worked in her favor, eventually karma works truth out. I am indifferent regardless. We have to learn how to love people out of situations where racism lies. Point it out without emotion and they may comprehend. Only way to heal it.

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