I have done a few of these open discussion threads and people loved them…so I’m going to keep doing them!
In the future, they’ll be for subscribers only but now they’re open to all…but you should subscribe now so when I do make them for subscribers only, you’ll be notified when one of these goes up.
CBS aired an in-depth two hour interview with Oprah Winfrey and Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Given that folks on the West coast haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, I am not going to get into too many details on what was revealed in the interview.
But let’s discuss…how do you feel about the situation that Meghan Markle has faced?
What did you think of what Meghan and Harry revealed in the interview?
What is your opinion of the Royal Family, Harry and Meghan, after watching the interview?
And what did you think of Oprah’s interview of them?
I believe every word that Meghan said! She could have been such an asset to the Royal Family! I find her far more likable and down to earth then Kate. Harry seems to be learning how to adjust to life outside of the royal bubble, but seems genuinely happy and determined to do what is best for his family. And can we talk about Tyler Perry letting them stay in his house and use his security?! Amazing!
I found the interview very compelling, and viewed Meghan as authentic and speaking her truth. I believe her.....entirely. It brought tears to my eyes more than once. This is more than about the Royal Family, this is about layers and chasms of racism, and white supremacy....in the UK, and around the world. The interview shed light on the relationship between the British tabloids and the Royal Family that is deeply troublesome and quite awful in many ways. The interview shed light on the facade, and it seems long overdue.
This interview broke my heart. For them to have had to go through all that - and I’m sure there is more that will never be shared - is terribly sad. I am glad they had each other to lean on and hope they can move forward and find some peace.
I got from the interview they are finding peace and it's only going to get better. They are both strong, smart and intelligent. They obviously love each other to the moon and back.
I think it's telling that Harry realized he was trapped in a life that he really didn't want after he saw how Meghan was treated. He said Meghan saved him and I believe that. Their mutual love for each other was obvious and displayed in their body language. The interview won't change the minds of Meghan-haters (check out the comments on some Twitter threads) but for those who aren't it was refreshing.
He had the context of what happened to his mum to make sense of it all, and fear of the outcome which befell her to empower him to protect his little family from the same fate. Very admirable.
She was spot on about the fear that is engendered by relentless suicidal ideation - and she was right to seek help. It's not the Dark Ages anymore, and I applaud her for speaking openly about such a heavily stigmatized experience.
It must have been crushing for them to find out the Palace wasn't going to give Archie a title or even a security detail, and yes, it did make me lose respect for "the Firm." Meghan seemed to be in a lot of pain. Despite the unimaginable privilege afforded to both her and Harry, being judged as "less than" can't feel good, and is terribly disappointing.
It’s terribly sad he could not discuss what they were going through as a couple with his family. William and Kate have been focusing on mental health. They have to take care of their own first. God help their children if they don’t allow them to feel and get help if needed.
Will & Kates children will grow up similar to the way Will & Harry did. Kate and her family are upper middle class commoners but they’re British so they won’t buck the firm. The point being, that is the only life they’ll ever know.
However, they gave fine all they can to give them as much normalcy as possible. Kate having a family on the outside is all the difference. William himself spent lot of time with and is close to the middletons. His kids will never grow up like him.
Not naming names seems to be doing more damage, at least from my perspective in the U.S. we are all guessing who said it, totally believing it of many of them. What better way to (hopefully) bring a reckoning?!
When Meghan discussed suicide and having to attend an event with Harry because she was too afraid to stay home...hit home when I found my daughters notebook when she was a teenager and inside it said “I smile on the outside because that’s what is expected. On the inside I am dying”. The worst day of my life reading this and figuring out how to approach her and offer help. No one knows how others are feeling or what they are dealing with. Remember that as you navigate through your daily life. Do not judge others.
I came away with a lot more respect for Meghan and Harry. She is incredibly self aware and brave, and he chose his family and child over the Royals. I have seen a lot of criticism of them but this was their chance to tell their side and correct the record.
Can you point to something observable that "seemed obvious"? A phrasing or physical tic that bothered you? Or are you more generally skeptical of accounts of racism?
I admire and respect the Queen so much for devoting her life to the service of her country and her ability to evolve throughout her reign. However, I am so disappointed and sad about the treatment of Meghan Markle and her Harry. I don’t know why I am surprised as I have been so obsessed with the Crown and if only small parts of it are true what a miserable existence to live. I’m so sad for Meghan and Harry to not have the support of the male figures in their life. Very heartbreaking. Charles has continued to be disappointment. The monarchy should end with Liz. The interview changed my mind entirely about Meghan and Harry. What a shame and lost opportunity. So happy they had the chance to tell their story. And I’m so happy they have each other🧡
I believe Her. I see this from the perspective of a trauma survivor and speaking out tonight was just a necessary step in processing her trauma. I don’t think it’s fair to judge everything she said so harshly in detail as it may look different down the road as she continues to process.
I find the comments interesting. I’m old enough to have been an adult when Diana was Princess. Even then, Harry was the one who seemed most “normal” to me and, also, the one who sought recognition the least. The fact that the British press has been racist is undeniable. The fact that there is rampant racism in England is, also, undeniable. The Royal Family lives by it’s own set of rules and those rules include keeping your mouth shut, toeing the line and acting “royal”. I wouldn’t expect anyone to name names - this is Harry’s family, not just the monarchy. Harry is in a unique position - he knows what happened to his mother. I’m sure he’s, since, learned what was expected of her and that, it seems, the Royal Family seemed to believe she could not do anything right. Now, Harry is seeing his wife judged in the same way. I thought their answers were thoughtful, they seemed honest (though I’m sure a lot was left out). You really have to watch the entire interview (though I’m not a fan of Oprah’s interviewing style). Apparently, there was a lot left out of the broadcast which will she shown tomorrow morning.
I agree with Meghan, you don't know what is happening behind closed doors and the way she has been treated is disgusting. Not just by the royals, but also by regular people. If you don't see it, all you need to do is read comments on any social media site. They both have a lot of courage and I hope they are finally happy.
I was horrified at the way “the firm” treated Megan as soon as she got pregnant. The interview was excellent but made me cry. No one should be treated the way Harry and Megan were.
Not entirely surprising from the monarchy re: racism (still awful) and completely horrible that they wouldn't help her when she was pregnant and suicidal. Just gross. Good for them for getting out, sad that they are treated the way they are, especially by William.
Putting aside that they're Royals, William can see how everything affects Harry & he choses being complacent... shows a lot about their relationship...no wonder Harry got out
What makes you think William is complacent? My running assumption is that he’s an active abuser given all the reports of his jealousy of those who excel with charm and dignity in the spotlight.
I'm sympathetic to Harry and Meghan, and this enhanced that, but I also give them credit for being smart people with smart advisors, and this interview was a series of barely veiled threats that the royal family better get it the fuck together or some names are getting named.
The “Firm” & the British tabloids are toxic and only serve each other in their self-serving ways. The Firm only cares about how the RF are perceived and the tabloids are in it for the money. I think the tabloids are holding something/s over the RF (Andrew’s pedophilia?). I admire Meghan and adore Harry- best wishes to them.
they just signed a multi mln deal with Netflix and live in a mansion in Montecito. I guess some egos got bruised, but with all my efforts, I can't make myself feel sorry for them in any capacity.
If they can use their resources to help others more power to them. They seem very genuine and caring. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have. You can be a caring, kind and compassionate person no matter your financial status. The problem with so many in this world is caring only about themselves, judging and using social media platforms to tear others apart. The irony is these same people most likely act differently in front of others. Meghan and Harry appear genuine and I applaud them for their efforts.
Their Archewell Foundation is a good effort. Their work with soup kitchens and nonprofits are also good efforts. Removing their son from a toxic environment is probably their best effort.
Wealth doesn’t preclude you from feelings of rejection, messages telling you that you aren’t good enough, and pain that makes you feel overwhelmed and suicidal.
I found Oprah to be seriously lacking in this interview. I think she pressed all the wrong buttons and came off as almost nonchalant. I think the content of the interview was good and I was glad to hear from the Sussex crew but Oprah was an absolute bore.
I want to know why Oprah didn’t ask Meghan what she meant when she said “ I lost my father” her father is still alive! And by all accounts they had a great relationship before. Why can’t the relationship be mended? A good interviewer would ask that no?
Sure but can’t it be mended? She sounded so final. Seemed weird that Oprah didn’t press to find out what happened to that relationship that’s all I’m saying
Her dad will sell to the press any overture he would get from Meghan. He and his other kids just want to turn a quick buck off her and her connection to the British roayl family. I think Oprah respected the pain Meghan feels from her dad being such a grifter and chose not to reopen that wound.
The damage her father caused their relationship is what cannot be mended. He may have been manipulated by press but once he was aware he continued. You don’t do that to people you love and care about.
They talked about her father at length. It was edited out of the interview but aired the next morning on CBS This Morning. You can find the clips on Twitter.
would you want a relationship with someone who is suppose to love you unconditionally but, at every chance he gets he stabs her in the back to be on tv
But everyone knows what happened to that relationship. It blew up publicly and he embarrassed her and abandoned her right before her very public very big deal wedding. Who does that? Not a real father. Where have I been? He trashed her and Harry fir paid interviews.
Not if the family isn’t racist/colorist. That’s a fucking weird thing to discuss especially about an unborn child. You talk about who the baby might look like not their skin color
I think Meghan did face racism & snobbery in the Royal Family. I also think she a huge social climber & I'm not sure her character is suited to being a Windsor wife. For one, Meghan wouldn't be happy playing number 2 to Kate for the rest of her life. I think the UK was just too small for both the Cambridges and Sussexes.
Your evidence? Do you know them - how do know what motivates Meghan? Are you part of "The Firm?" Do you know what is required of Windsor wives? Or are your suppositions based on gossip/musings put out by rag magazines?
Not true. Meghan excelled in her own. It’s only that she made Kate look bad. That was the problem. Meghan was outshining her and exposing the staged nature of her personality and position. No fault of her own, she had zero life experience stepping in as future queen. And it showed b
I feel so confused about how it seems like all the conservatives I follow on Twitter positively hate MM, yet isn’t she the epitome of America? Hating the monarchy, rebelling, escaping people telling her what to do, then doing what she wants to do because she’s *free* ? Genuinely confused by this.
Conservatives value hierarchy, despite the freedom propaganda machine. They believe in a system where the majority should obey a ruler. (see: Trump and evangelicalism) Meghan didn't "obey." There's research that correlates the link between hierarchical thinking and the spectrum of conservativism just as there is a correlation between openness to experience and liberalism. I grew up conservative. The judgmental attitudes about those who choose to do what's best for them rather than what they are "supposed" to do is hard to escape. In a nutshell, there is a hell of a lot of "should" amongst conservatives and hell to pay if you do what they think you ...shouldn't.
Makes a ton of sense. My parents vote conservative but aren’t super conservative in many ways, and my friends are mostly all liberal, so I never experienced the culture of conservatism or even organized religion. I’m totally fascinated by it because it’s foreign. Thanks fir shedding insight.
I live in the UK so haven’t had a chance to watch the interview yet. I have read the comments about Archie’s skin colour is just heartbreaking! It doesn’t matter if you are a parent or not but somethings should never be spoken!
Also I remember when Meg and Harry got their house refurbished and got the private jet to go on holiday, I knew then the coverage was completely against them. I remember when William and Catherine got married they had their kitchen done at a ridiculous price too (some coverage but nothing compared to what Meghan got) and then they got the budget air line. I’m sorry but you don’t need to be Elon Musk to know that was a set up for them to be photographed to make Harry and Meghan look bad! Are you telling me they’ve never got a private jet before? BS!
The whole private jet thing in general is hypocritical as both Harry and William go on about the planet but the criticism and coverage should be the same. Also I’m sure I read somewhere that there was no one on that budget airline so they basically had the whole thing to themselves 🤔
I can't imagine what it must be like to be raised by a corporation instead of a family. I got the impression that Harry knew his life was unique, but had no concept of how bizarre it was until he married Meghan and was able to see his life through her eyes, and how it was destroying her. They were both clearly holding back a great deal, trying to be careful - Meghan said at one point that they had done everything to try to PROTECT Harry's family but they could only do so much. I'm glad they're out and I hope they enjoy their lives and children.
I think they have come along way but still have a lot longer to go. Harry got woke due to the racism his wife was and continues to face.
It's very clear who is on the wrong side of history. The Queen could make all of this stop and make sure they had adequate protection but she doesn't do anything. The buck stops with her.
Why in the hell did Meghan and Harry voice they're on dying support of the Queen? They must still be attached to the idea that she IS the Queen and the royal family is credible and good for the people under her rule.
Eventually, I hope they realize that the monarchy is a bunch of BS. Harry's brother and father are completely brainwashed. And they are racists. I hope Meghan becomes a full-blown socialist, but I know that's probably a step too far for her to seriously undertake.
Find it sad he couldn't talk to anyone about the mental anguish Megan was going through - it was Harry, William & Kate who set up that whole mental health foundation a few years ago.... why couldn't he discuss it with them?
Hi Yashar! I watched, and I never watch stuff like this but my mom was here and she's English, so...my 2 cents: the editing was badly done, Oprah was rather odd in her demeanor. They were very forthcoming and candid and came across well. -kv
As a Brit (black female) I probably have a good viewpoint on this than Americans in this thread.
The way she’s been treated by the press and “Palace sources” is disgusting and very obviously racist and xenophobic. Every other day it’s a disparaging article after another and its really things that the media do not criticise other royals for so I can only think they’re picking on her specifically for a reason.
Some of the big points of criticism as an example: Harry & Meghan’s taxpayer funded home was the cheapest out of all the other royals (W&K spent nearly £11m of U.K. taxes), the private jets rubbish is again unfair criticism when there is never the same volume of articles on Charles who only flies via private jet. The headlines of: straight out of Compton, exotic DNA, gangster royalty etc all just covert racism. All things they’d never say about the rest of the family. Piers Morgan even wrote in one article that Harry should leave the US and return to England and marry a quiet little blonde who was Tory supporting (right wing). These articles are all including “Palace sources” who are quoted saying disparaging things about her which when it’s boiled down in essence is about her “not knowing her place” in the pecking order or being “too much” for them because her work ethic rubs them up the wrong way. You also have to understand in these upper class circles an American work ethic is alien and seen as too gauche or pushy.
In general, U.K. media is extremely harsh to left/Democrat leaning women of colour. The abuse and ridicule black female members of Parliament and black female celebrities receive in this country is depressingly normalised. If anything it was great that the interview showed this to a global audience and I can only hope it brings some change.
She’s not beyond criticism as I found the idea that she was representation within the family for black & brown people of the commonwealth as laughable. The U.K. does not treat immigrants well when they come to this country. There is so much contempt so the commonwealth relationship is not one of equality. I understand this as my extended family live and are from countries in the commonwealth.
The racism doesn’t surprise me and I have my ideas who it might be in that family. I don’t think it will get better anytime soon because it’s gone too far now but I do think if who I suspect is the person who said this then that’s not a shocker to me but it will definitely cause a meltdown
I was interested to hear from Meghan how things changed after their Australia tour. I think they, like Diana, we’re becoming more popular than Charles and William. My hunch is that is when the more stringent clamp downs on their activities came into play. There may have been incidents before that but I believe this was the turning point. I do believe the Queen May have been unaware how bad it was getting for them, she’s been ceding increasing authority to Charles in recent years.
I know I’m overgeneralizing the issue with this, but has anyone else noticed that the British have issues of instability whenever there’s a Monarch named Charles?
You're right. Generally speaking, Americans CARE NOT about the monarchy. The only time we've batted an eye is at Diana, who was a wonderful human being and so beautiful, and now Meghan. Aside from that Americans couldn't care less about them.
I have always said that Kate has been behind all these negative storylines against Meghan. Kate is a future Queen and could not handle someone else taking her spotlight. Meghan is more fashionable, already had a following before meeting Harry, and everyone loved her on their tours. Harry and Meghan became more popular than Will and Kate. I believe Will and Kate fueled the negative stories. My assumption is that Will and Harry got into an argument over Kate's behavior and that caused the rift. The royal family's treatment of Harry, Meghan, and Archie is appalling. How could they remove their security? How can they cut him off financially? Just awful. Good for them for setting their own course. I wish them the best.
I bet the "bullying" by Meghan was because the lazy/incompetent Firm folks supporting H&M were besmirching Meghan to her face & her responses were reasonably chilly. Just their complaints about her expecting so much from her secretaries & such re early A.M. emails, etc., leads me to believe at least the Royal Support people are slack & not up to American standards. I'd be pissed if people assigned to support me were lazy, petulant & incompetent at their jobs. I'd come close to bullying them to quit myself.
Meghan said Kate is a good person. I think it stung that Meg and Harry were so popular and made them look like an old boring couple. So it stung and adjustments were made. Kate started being much more engaged and animated. This is a fact she was coached or just trying to be brighter. But Meghan did say she was a good person. .
Oh that's an interesting take! I always assumed the rift between William & Harry was due to that comment about Archie's dark skin. I wouldn't put it past William to make a racist comment like that.
The queen is as complicit as anyone in this entire situation. How is she the queen and not able to put a stop to it, that means she’s not at all in control as we’ve been led to believe
She is very old, and the cooperation of the rest of the family requires decision-making to be a diffuse function, to solicit buy-in by the other royals. I think Charles is much more in command.
They clearly said in the interview there are long standing “consultants “ with lot of power making decisions. Diana said it too. The gray suits. That even some things like canceling seeing Harry, the queen seems to not have control over. That is the big reveal.
I think she was trying to keep the peace by not calling out people by name yet expose the deep dysfunction that rules the royal family. I thought she did a great job walking that tightrope.
i think it would look petty if she had. and harry isn’t willing to burn bridges completely with his family now, he’s hoping time heals all wounds, so it makes sense that they would have agreed not to specifically name names.
perhaps.... but H&M's restraint in naming names shows their overwhelming knowledge of how the Press (esp UK's) will over-inflate with disinformation every derogatory statement they get their hands on.
I think Harry should have been the one to name names. He is still protecting the people that were openly racist to his wife and child and literally put his family’s and his life in danger explicitly because of their racism. They wanted to change the rules specifically because they wanted to exclude his child again because he was 1/4 black. One drop rule. The monarchy is as much the colonial, white supremacist institution it ever was and it needs to be dismantled. And Harry naming the people would have been an excellent start to that. With that being said, I understand why he didn’t but that doesn’t make the fact that he didn’t right or any less harmful.
His entire family is racist, not just one or two. I have followed Meghan ever since I discovered her on her blog & then met Harry. That whole family are a bunch of colonials. They will never see themselves as racist and can never admit it. The royal rota will continue to demonize her. They said enough. Of course they sat around and wondered what color the kids would be. That's the kind of people they are. They probably laughed about it. Harry is a strong man to extricate himself from that family. None of the others could do it.
This was protection for her and her kid. They pull security on their family, so she lets everyone know that she can and will name names IF NECESSARY. I think it was sadly necessary and also very savvy on her and Harry's part. It's obvious they could have blown a hole in the royal family but they didn't, they were as circumspect as humanly possible.
I didn't watch it, just saw a few ads for the show during the past week. Everyone has family challenges to some degree; their challenges don't interest me.
I'm from the Commonwealth and can't excuse this. We somehow got carried away by our diversity, in the games, literature, etc. Didn't notice the white man group in charge at the very center! The racism & sexism, wow. i think it's time to revisit the Commonwealth idea. In a palace how is it she couldn't get medical help? They ought to answer this too. On the othet hand they were everywhere, smiling & happily posturing as Prince & Princess, it is true - they looked happy. Why did they need to do this…? Megan is well educated, and has all the presence of a star, during all the events as a newly married couple & with Oprah.
Did they really get married without knowing some of these things? She looks like she has had her fill, her birth family so dysfunctional, and then this. Best is for them to make their own living, why not? They are still super privileged, well connected, and strong spirited. They are not taking this lying down.
So glad Meghan and Harry FINALLY got the chance to tell their side. The Royal Family's side (told via the British media) was allowed to dominate this entire time! It's only fair that they got to speak. Saddened by Meghan's wanting to commit suicide and getting NO help due to how it would look. It was sad! Also glad she debunked that "Meghan made Kate cry" story. That story was such BS but the fact that Kate didn't step in like she did for the botox accusations, hair extensions, Tatler magazine article, etc is very disappointing.
The CONCERNS about Archie's dark skin... That was disgusting. My bet is on William who said that nonsense.
Prince Charles is awful. Clearly he's STILL jealous and has learned nothing from the Diana days about how popularity works.
Oprah was a good interviewer but she should've pressed Meghan on when she said that they were willing to lie to protect others but not tell the truth to protect them. Wanted Oprah to ask WHO they lied for and why!
Funny how Harry & Meghan's security was pulled even though Prince Andrew stepped back from his duties as well but still gets to keep his. It's the double standards for me. 😒
I'm shocked at how bad H&M were treated, and racism and jealousy seemed to be the reasons. Today I'm wondering if there are financial issues too? Maybe they're cash strapped. To the old dying monarchy - good riddance.
I believe every word that Meghan said! She could have been such an asset to the Royal Family! I find her far more likable and down to earth then Kate. Harry seems to be learning how to adjust to life outside of the royal bubble, but seems genuinely happy and determined to do what is best for his family. And can we talk about Tyler Perry letting them stay in his house and use his security?! Amazing!
Thought the same about Tyler Perry: bravo!
I don't think Meghan would be happy playing nbr 2 to Kate, which she had to do, for the rest of her life.
Oh - you know Meghan!? Please share what else she feels/believes/does. We're all dying to know.
I found the interview very compelling, and viewed Meghan as authentic and speaking her truth. I believe her.....entirely. It brought tears to my eyes more than once. This is more than about the Royal Family, this is about layers and chasms of racism, and white supremacy....in the UK, and around the world. The interview shed light on the relationship between the British tabloids and the Royal Family that is deeply troublesome and quite awful in many ways. The interview shed light on the facade, and it seems long overdue.
This interview broke my heart. For them to have had to go through all that - and I’m sure there is more that will never be shared - is terribly sad. I am glad they had each other to lean on and hope they can move forward and find some peace.
I got from the interview they are finding peace and it's only going to get better. They are both strong, smart and intelligent. They obviously love each other to the moon and back.
me too!
I think it's telling that Harry realized he was trapped in a life that he really didn't want after he saw how Meghan was treated. He said Meghan saved him and I believe that. Their mutual love for each other was obvious and displayed in their body language. The interview won't change the minds of Meghan-haters (check out the comments on some Twitter threads) but for those who aren't it was refreshing.
He had the context of what happened to his mum to make sense of it all, and fear of the outcome which befell her to empower him to protect his little family from the same fate. Very admirable.
So happy Harry and Meghan made the choice to do what's best for their family.
The royal family needs to realize that their ways are no longer appropriate in this world. The death of Diana should have taught them that.
She was spot on about the fear that is engendered by relentless suicidal ideation - and she was right to seek help. It's not the Dark Ages anymore, and I applaud her for speaking openly about such a heavily stigmatized experience.
It must have been crushing for them to find out the Palace wasn't going to give Archie a title or even a security detail, and yes, it did make me lose respect for "the Firm." Meghan seemed to be in a lot of pain. Despite the unimaginable privilege afforded to both her and Harry, being judged as "less than" can't feel good, and is terribly disappointing.
It’s terribly sad he could not discuss what they were going through as a couple with his family. William and Kate have been focusing on mental health. They have to take care of their own first. God help their children if they don’t allow them to feel and get help if needed.
Will & Kates children will grow up similar to the way Will & Harry did. Kate and her family are upper middle class commoners but they’re British so they won’t buck the firm. The point being, that is the only life they’ll ever know.
However, they gave fine all they can to give them as much normalcy as possible. Kate having a family on the outside is all the difference. William himself spent lot of time with and is close to the middletons. His kids will never grow up like him.
Not naming names seems to be doing more damage, at least from my perspective in the U.S. we are all guessing who said it, totally believing it of many of them. What better way to (hopefully) bring a reckoning?!
charles fucking sucks
When Meghan discussed suicide and having to attend an event with Harry because she was too afraid to stay home...hit home when I found my daughters notebook when she was a teenager and inside it said “I smile on the outside because that’s what is expected. On the inside I am dying”. The worst day of my life reading this and figuring out how to approach her and offer help. No one knows how others are feeling or what they are dealing with. Remember that as you navigate through your daily life. Do not judge others.
The same people that don't like Meghan also don't support #BLM. 🤔
Both of them having such a hard time with their fathers is devastating.
I came away with a lot more respect for Meghan and Harry. She is incredibly self aware and brave, and he chose his family and child over the Royals. I have seen a lot of criticism of them but this was their chance to tell their side and correct the record.
I'm so glad she named NO names - keeps the focus on the topics, not the people. The topics are important and need to be dealt with.
This royal institution is still living in the past. This might be the beginning of the end. I hope so.
I'm sure there's some truth to what they are saying, but they seem like frauds to me and this is mostly a big money grab.
they didn't and don't get paid for the interview
CBS money went to Oprah's production company.
Yes, being interviewed by oprah does nothing to build your brand.
He is a prince. The brand was built before he was born.
The royals are a joke, don't get me wrong. I just don't believe they are guy genuine. Seemed pretty obvious in the interview.
Agree to disagree on every level.
Can you point to something observable that "seemed obvious"? A phrasing or physical tic that bothered you? Or are you more generally skeptical of accounts of racism?
The story is relevant and compelling, regardless of whether they are profiting off it. Do you have reason to believe the story is fabricated?
I admire and respect the Queen so much for devoting her life to the service of her country and her ability to evolve throughout her reign. However, I am so disappointed and sad about the treatment of Meghan Markle and her Harry. I don’t know why I am surprised as I have been so obsessed with the Crown and if only small parts of it are true what a miserable existence to live. I’m so sad for Meghan and Harry to not have the support of the male figures in their life. Very heartbreaking. Charles has continued to be disappointment. The monarchy should end with Liz. The interview changed my mind entirely about Meghan and Harry. What a shame and lost opportunity. So happy they had the chance to tell their story. And I’m so happy they have each other🧡
I believe Her. I see this from the perspective of a trauma survivor and speaking out tonight was just a necessary step in processing her trauma. I don’t think it’s fair to judge everything she said so harshly in detail as it may look different down the road as she continues to process.
I find the comments interesting. I’m old enough to have been an adult when Diana was Princess. Even then, Harry was the one who seemed most “normal” to me and, also, the one who sought recognition the least. The fact that the British press has been racist is undeniable. The fact that there is rampant racism in England is, also, undeniable. The Royal Family lives by it’s own set of rules and those rules include keeping your mouth shut, toeing the line and acting “royal”. I wouldn’t expect anyone to name names - this is Harry’s family, not just the monarchy. Harry is in a unique position - he knows what happened to his mother. I’m sure he’s, since, learned what was expected of her and that, it seems, the Royal Family seemed to believe she could not do anything right. Now, Harry is seeing his wife judged in the same way. I thought their answers were thoughtful, they seemed honest (though I’m sure a lot was left out). You really have to watch the entire interview (though I’m not a fan of Oprah’s interviewing style). Apparently, there was a lot left out of the broadcast which will she shown tomorrow morning.
I agree with Meghan, you don't know what is happening behind closed doors and the way she has been treated is disgusting. Not just by the royals, but also by regular people. If you don't see it, all you need to do is read comments on any social media site. They both have a lot of courage and I hope they are finally happy.
I was horrified at the way “the firm” treated Megan as soon as she got pregnant. The interview was excellent but made me cry. No one should be treated the way Harry and Megan were.
Not entirely surprising from the monarchy re: racism (still awful) and completely horrible that they wouldn't help her when she was pregnant and suicidal. Just gross. Good for them for getting out, sad that they are treated the way they are, especially by William.
So like, my takeaway is that the monarchy sucks.
I would like to punch someone in the throat.
Putting aside that they're Royals, William can see how everything affects Harry & he choses being complacent... shows a lot about their relationship...no wonder Harry got out
What makes you think William is complacent? My running assumption is that he’s an active abuser given all the reports of his jealousy of those who excel with charm and dignity in the spotlight.
Ya he gets to do what he does... without any repercussions..
No love lost between the brothers
I'm sympathetic to Harry and Meghan, and this enhanced that, but I also give them credit for being smart people with smart advisors, and this interview was a series of barely veiled threats that the royal family better get it the fuck together or some names are getting named.
The “Firm” & the British tabloids are toxic and only serve each other in their self-serving ways. The Firm only cares about how the RF are perceived and the tabloids are in it for the money. I think the tabloids are holding something/s over the RF (Andrew’s pedophilia?). I admire Meghan and adore Harry- best wishes to them.
How does Meghan know she didn’t make Kate cry?
It seems "the Firm" has always been awful to outsiders, and that they outdid themselves this time. So much for embracing family...
they just signed a multi mln deal with Netflix and live in a mansion in Montecito. I guess some egos got bruised, but with all my efforts, I can't make myself feel sorry for them in any capacity.
If they can use their resources to help others more power to them. They seem very genuine and caring. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have. You can be a caring, kind and compassionate person no matter your financial status. The problem with so many in this world is caring only about themselves, judging and using social media platforms to tear others apart. The irony is these same people most likely act differently in front of others. Meghan and Harry appear genuine and I applaud them for their efforts.
What are their efforts? I missed that part. I know a lot of effort had been put to register their trademark but that felt through.
Their Archewell Foundation is a good effort. Their work with soup kitchens and nonprofits are also good efforts. Removing their son from a toxic environment is probably their best effort.
Ah yeah, ok sure! Depression and suicidal thoughts are no biggie according to you! Nice
No, according to me it’s a biggie. Also according to me it’s much easier to seek immediate help and best treatment possible if you have money.
“The firm” would not allow her to seek medical help for depression. They have learned nothing from Diana’s anorexia problems.
I feel like maybe you didn't watch the interview.
Wealth doesn’t preclude you from feelings of rejection, messages telling you that you aren’t good enough, and pain that makes you feel overwhelmed and suicidal.
I found Oprah to be seriously lacking in this interview. I think she pressed all the wrong buttons and came off as almost nonchalant. I think the content of the interview was good and I was glad to hear from the Sussex crew but Oprah was an absolute bore.
You’re the first I’ve heard this and agree. Yet, unending praise for her. Even called a master class. Huh. Way to nonchalant.
I want to know why Oprah didn’t ask Meghan what she meant when she said “ I lost my father” her father is still alive! And by all accounts they had a great relationship before. Why can’t the relationship be mended? A good interviewer would ask that no?
Sure but can’t it be mended? She sounded so final. Seemed weird that Oprah didn’t press to find out what happened to that relationship that’s all I’m saying
Her dad will sell to the press any overture he would get from Meghan. He and his other kids just want to turn a quick buck off her and her connection to the British roayl family. I think Oprah respected the pain Meghan feels from her dad being such a grifter and chose not to reopen that wound.
The damage her father caused their relationship is what cannot be mended. He may have been manipulated by press but once he was aware he continued. You don’t do that to people you love and care about.
They talked about her father at length. It was edited out of the interview but aired the next morning on CBS This Morning. You can find the clips on Twitter.
would you want a relationship with someone who is suppose to love you unconditionally but, at every chance he gets he stabs her in the back to be on tv
But everyone knows what happened to that relationship. It blew up publicly and he embarrassed her and abandoned her right before her very public very big deal wedding. Who does that? Not a real father. Where have I been? He trashed her and Harry fir paid interviews.
Forgot how great Oprah is. Still not subscribing to discovery+, stop trying to make it happen!
Who do you think mentioned archies skin color?
It's between Philip, Charles, and William. My guess is Charles.
would william say that? good lord
His attitude thus far leaves little doubt that he would
Not if the family isn’t racist/colorist. That’s a fucking weird thing to discuss especially about an unborn child. You talk about who the baby might look like not their skin color
I think Meghan did face racism & snobbery in the Royal Family. I also think she a huge social climber & I'm not sure her character is suited to being a Windsor wife. For one, Meghan wouldn't be happy playing number 2 to Kate for the rest of her life. I think the UK was just too small for both the Cambridges and Sussexes.
Your evidence? Do you know them - how do know what motivates Meghan? Are you part of "The Firm?" Do you know what is required of Windsor wives? Or are your suppositions based on gossip/musings put out by rag magazines?
Calm down Mary. You're way too invested!
You're the one who posts like she knows what's going on with the family. You need to find a hobby that doesn't involve the Royal family.
Not true. Meghan excelled in her own. It’s only that she made Kate look bad. That was the problem. Meghan was outshining her and exposing the staged nature of her personality and position. No fault of her own, she had zero life experience stepping in as future queen. And it showed b
If everything they said is true, they are better off out of there........
I feel so confused about how it seems like all the conservatives I follow on Twitter positively hate MM, yet isn’t she the epitome of America? Hating the monarchy, rebelling, escaping people telling her what to do, then doing what she wants to do because she’s *free* ? Genuinely confused by this.
Ultra conservatives in my world are the most judgmental people I have ever met.
Conservatives value hierarchy, despite the freedom propaganda machine. They believe in a system where the majority should obey a ruler. (see: Trump and evangelicalism) Meghan didn't "obey." There's research that correlates the link between hierarchical thinking and the spectrum of conservativism just as there is a correlation between openness to experience and liberalism. I grew up conservative. The judgmental attitudes about those who choose to do what's best for them rather than what they are "supposed" to do is hard to escape. In a nutshell, there is a hell of a lot of "should" amongst conservatives and hell to pay if you do what they think you ...shouldn't.
Makes a ton of sense. My parents vote conservative but aren’t super conservative in many ways, and my friends are mostly all liberal, so I never experienced the culture of conservatism or even organized religion. I’m totally fascinated by it because it’s foreign. Thanks fir shedding insight.
I live in the UK so haven’t had a chance to watch the interview yet. I have read the comments about Archie’s skin colour is just heartbreaking! It doesn’t matter if you are a parent or not but somethings should never be spoken!
Also I remember when Meg and Harry got their house refurbished and got the private jet to go on holiday, I knew then the coverage was completely against them. I remember when William and Catherine got married they had their kitchen done at a ridiculous price too (some coverage but nothing compared to what Meghan got) and then they got the budget air line. I’m sorry but you don’t need to be Elon Musk to know that was a set up for them to be photographed to make Harry and Meghan look bad! Are you telling me they’ve never got a private jet before? BS!
The whole private jet thing in general is hypocritical as both Harry and William go on about the planet but the criticism and coverage should be the same. Also I’m sure I read somewhere that there was no one on that budget airline so they basically had the whole thing to themselves 🤔
Exactly!! That was such an obvious stunt. William & Kate are so pathetic for pulling that nonsense.
I can't imagine what it must be like to be raised by a corporation instead of a family. I got the impression that Harry knew his life was unique, but had no concept of how bizarre it was until he married Meghan and was able to see his life through her eyes, and how it was destroying her. They were both clearly holding back a great deal, trying to be careful - Meghan said at one point that they had done everything to try to PROTECT Harry's family but they could only do so much. I'm glad they're out and I hope they enjoy their lives and children.
I think they have come along way but still have a lot longer to go. Harry got woke due to the racism his wife was and continues to face.
It's very clear who is on the wrong side of history. The Queen could make all of this stop and make sure they had adequate protection but she doesn't do anything. The buck stops with her.
Why in the hell did Meghan and Harry voice they're on dying support of the Queen? They must still be attached to the idea that she IS the Queen and the royal family is credible and good for the people under her rule.
Eventually, I hope they realize that the monarchy is a bunch of BS. Harry's brother and father are completely brainwashed. And they are racists. I hope Meghan becomes a full-blown socialist, but I know that's probably a step too far for her to seriously undertake.
Find it sad he couldn't talk to anyone about the mental anguish Megan was going through - it was Harry, William & Kate who set up that whole mental health foundation a few years ago.... why couldn't he discuss it with them?
Hi Yashar! I watched, and I never watch stuff like this but my mom was here and she's English, so...my 2 cents: the editing was badly done, Oprah was rather odd in her demeanor. They were very forthcoming and candid and came across well. -kv
Oprah said the interview was 3 hours long so having to edit that and cut it into 1 hr 27 min or whatever was probably hard haha
As a Brit (black female) I probably have a good viewpoint on this than Americans in this thread.
The way she’s been treated by the press and “Palace sources” is disgusting and very obviously racist and xenophobic. Every other day it’s a disparaging article after another and its really things that the media do not criticise other royals for so I can only think they’re picking on her specifically for a reason.
Some of the big points of criticism as an example: Harry & Meghan’s taxpayer funded home was the cheapest out of all the other royals (W&K spent nearly £11m of U.K. taxes), the private jets rubbish is again unfair criticism when there is never the same volume of articles on Charles who only flies via private jet. The headlines of: straight out of Compton, exotic DNA, gangster royalty etc all just covert racism. All things they’d never say about the rest of the family. Piers Morgan even wrote in one article that Harry should leave the US and return to England and marry a quiet little blonde who was Tory supporting (right wing). These articles are all including “Palace sources” who are quoted saying disparaging things about her which when it’s boiled down in essence is about her “not knowing her place” in the pecking order or being “too much” for them because her work ethic rubs them up the wrong way. You also have to understand in these upper class circles an American work ethic is alien and seen as too gauche or pushy.
In general, U.K. media is extremely harsh to left/Democrat leaning women of colour. The abuse and ridicule black female members of Parliament and black female celebrities receive in this country is depressingly normalised. If anything it was great that the interview showed this to a global audience and I can only hope it brings some change.
She’s not beyond criticism as I found the idea that she was representation within the family for black & brown people of the commonwealth as laughable. The U.K. does not treat immigrants well when they come to this country. There is so much contempt so the commonwealth relationship is not one of equality. I understand this as my extended family live and are from countries in the commonwealth.
The racism doesn’t surprise me and I have my ideas who it might be in that family. I don’t think it will get better anytime soon because it’s gone too far now but I do think if who I suspect is the person who said this then that’s not a shocker to me but it will definitely cause a meltdown
I was interested to hear from Meghan how things changed after their Australia tour. I think they, like Diana, we’re becoming more popular than Charles and William. My hunch is that is when the more stringent clamp downs on their activities came into play. There may have been incidents before that but I believe this was the turning point. I do believe the Queen May have been unaware how bad it was getting for them, she’s been ceding increasing authority to Charles in recent years.
Overall it was very sad.
I know I’m overgeneralizing the issue with this, but has anyone else noticed that the British have issues of instability whenever there’s a Monarch named Charles?
Pretty sure we fought and won a war over 200 years ago so every American for all eternity could give zero craps about the British monarchy.
Yet here you are commenting on it.
Astute. Yes I am. You win a cookie.
You're right. Generally speaking, Americans CARE NOT about the monarchy. The only time we've batted an eye is at Diana, who was a wonderful human being and so beautiful, and now Meghan. Aside from that Americans couldn't care less about them.
I have always said that Kate has been behind all these negative storylines against Meghan. Kate is a future Queen and could not handle someone else taking her spotlight. Meghan is more fashionable, already had a following before meeting Harry, and everyone loved her on their tours. Harry and Meghan became more popular than Will and Kate. I believe Will and Kate fueled the negative stories. My assumption is that Will and Harry got into an argument over Kate's behavior and that caused the rift. The royal family's treatment of Harry, Meghan, and Archie is appalling. How could they remove their security? How can they cut him off financially? Just awful. Good for them for setting their own course. I wish them the best.
I bet the "bullying" by Meghan was because the lazy/incompetent Firm folks supporting H&M were besmirching Meghan to her face & her responses were reasonably chilly. Just their complaints about her expecting so much from her secretaries & such re early A.M. emails, etc., leads me to believe at least the Royal Support people are slack & not up to American standards. I'd be pissed if people assigned to support me were lazy, petulant & incompetent at their jobs. I'd come close to bullying them to quit myself.
Meghan said Kate is a good person. I think it stung that Meg and Harry were so popular and made them look like an old boring couple. So it stung and adjustments were made. Kate started being much more engaged and animated. This is a fact she was coached or just trying to be brighter. But Meghan did say she was a good person. .
Oh that's an interesting take! I always assumed the rift between William & Harry was due to that comment about Archie's dark skin. I wouldn't put it past William to make a racist comment like that.
The queen is as complicit as anyone in this entire situation. How is she the queen and not able to put a stop to it, that means she’s not at all in control as we’ve been led to believe
She is very old, and the cooperation of the rest of the family requires decision-making to be a diffuse function, to solicit buy-in by the other royals. I think Charles is much more in command.
They clearly said in the interview there are long standing “consultants “ with lot of power making decisions. Diana said it too. The gray suits. That even some things like canceling seeing Harry, the queen seems to not have control over. That is the big reveal.
I see a lot of people on Twitter questioning why Meghan isn't naming names. Do they have a point, or was she right to do that?
I think she was trying to keep the peace by not calling out people by name yet expose the deep dysfunction that rules the royal family. I thought she did a great job walking that tightrope.
i think it would look petty if she had. and harry isn’t willing to burn bridges completely with his family now, he’s hoping time heals all wounds, so it makes sense that they would have agreed not to specifically name names.
She's saving ammo to ensure that the royals respond correctly. Very clever.
perhaps.... but H&M's restraint in naming names shows their overwhelming knowledge of how the Press (esp UK's) will over-inflate with disinformation every derogatory statement they get their hands on.
I think Harry should have been the one to name names. He is still protecting the people that were openly racist to his wife and child and literally put his family’s and his life in danger explicitly because of their racism. They wanted to change the rules specifically because they wanted to exclude his child again because he was 1/4 black. One drop rule. The monarchy is as much the colonial, white supremacist institution it ever was and it needs to be dismantled. And Harry naming the people would have been an excellent start to that. With that being said, I understand why he didn’t but that doesn’t make the fact that he didn’t right or any less harmful.
His entire family is racist, not just one or two. I have followed Meghan ever since I discovered her on her blog & then met Harry. That whole family are a bunch of colonials. They will never see themselves as racist and can never admit it. The royal rota will continue to demonize her. They said enough. Of course they sat around and wondered what color the kids would be. That's the kind of people they are. They probably laughed about it. Harry is a strong man to extricate himself from that family. None of the others could do it.
This was protection for her and her kid. They pull security on their family, so she lets everyone know that she can and will name names IF NECESSARY. I think it was sadly necessary and also very savvy on her and Harry's part. It's obvious they could have blown a hole in the royal family but they didn't, they were as circumspect as humanly possible.
The Met Police decide protection and they only provide it if they live in England and it’s paid for by the British taxpayer.
Good insight. Thanks.
I didn't watch it, just saw a few ads for the show during the past week. Everyone has family challenges to some degree; their challenges don't interest me.
And yet you’re here commenting on it...
Correct. I enjoy this forum.
I'm from the Commonwealth and can't excuse this. We somehow got carried away by our diversity, in the games, literature, etc. Didn't notice the white man group in charge at the very center! The racism & sexism, wow. i think it's time to revisit the Commonwealth idea. In a palace how is it she couldn't get medical help? They ought to answer this too. On the othet hand they were everywhere, smiling & happily posturing as Prince & Princess, it is true - they looked happy. Why did they need to do this…? Megan is well educated, and has all the presence of a star, during all the events as a newly married couple & with Oprah.
Did they really get married without knowing some of these things? She looks like she has had her fill, her birth family so dysfunctional, and then this. Best is for them to make their own living, why not? They are still super privileged, well connected, and strong spirited. They are not taking this lying down.
So glad Meghan and Harry FINALLY got the chance to tell their side. The Royal Family's side (told via the British media) was allowed to dominate this entire time! It's only fair that they got to speak. Saddened by Meghan's wanting to commit suicide and getting NO help due to how it would look. It was sad! Also glad she debunked that "Meghan made Kate cry" story. That story was such BS but the fact that Kate didn't step in like she did for the botox accusations, hair extensions, Tatler magazine article, etc is very disappointing.
The CONCERNS about Archie's dark skin... That was disgusting. My bet is on William who said that nonsense.
Prince Charles is awful. Clearly he's STILL jealous and has learned nothing from the Diana days about how popularity works.
Oprah was a good interviewer but she should've pressed Meghan on when she said that they were willing to lie to protect others but not tell the truth to protect them. Wanted Oprah to ask WHO they lied for and why!
Funny how Harry & Meghan's security was pulled even though Prince Andrew stepped back from his duties as well but still gets to keep his. It's the double standards for me. 😒
I'm shocked at how bad H&M were treated, and racism and jealousy seemed to be the reasons. Today I'm wondering if there are financial issues too? Maybe they're cash strapped. To the old dying monarchy - good riddance.