I realize we have some Trump supporters here. That's why the negative comments. Are you surprised?? I don't blame Stephanie for writing her book. The Trumps are all back-stabbers & would throw anyone under the bus. Michael Cohen was a trusted fixer, for the Liar-in-Chief, for 20 years & look where it got him. The Trumps have NO friends.. They use people for their own gain.
All politicians are cut from the same cloth rotten and mildewed. Don’t trust any of them. The book Melanias handler has wrote shows her to be the same. Her 15 mins of fame and the money she will make. Can anyone say 13 pieces of silver?
I hope you hold these opinions for most politicians cause most are scum. Like Biden, Barak, the Bushes, the Clinton's, ect, ect. Let's start supporting good people
History will not remember "president" Trump or the GOP kindly at all -this will be a cautionary tale for future generations about how ignorance and the denying of science can destroy a nation and kill people. Trump really is the most incompetent President this nation has ever known. TRUMP.. UNSTABLE NON-GENIUS NARCISSIST KNOWN SERIAL LIAR! ..." HE'S IMPOTUS FOR A REASON. "COME NOVEMBER AMERICANS WILL REMEMBER!" 45 will sacrifice millions for his personal gain, happening now! Your president wants all the authority, none of the responsibility or accountability. Trump Death count keeps going up daily!
Posting that three times won't make it so. Trump WILL be remembered as the most corrupt, incompetent, inept, disingenuous, dishonest, despicable, demented & IMPEACHED president of all time. That is a truth one can't dispute.
Millions and Millions of people around the world will remember the idiot that was president and the moronic imbecilic cult that would've ate his feces if Trump asked. Just like Loretta Sanchez, how does that shitburger taste Loretta?
The anti Trump crowd persists in throwing insults and name calling. The Marxists mentality hopes that ignoring facts of accomplishments and being negative is enough to sway free thinking Americans. LOL. See you in November.
Accomplishments you say? The stock market has done pretty well under Trump. However, what did he have to work with before he got there? Did he start from the bottom and work his way up, or was he riding on the coattails of 44 and being thankful for the win?
The pandemic incompetence is one of the worst examples of mismanagement that I have ever seen. Remember in the Titanic how they actually shot off three flares that were seen by other ships who were in the vicinity but thought they were celebratory fireworks? At 178,000 deaths which is more than Vietnam and looks to eclipse World War Two the United States doesn’t need fireworks, we need a crew to put the fire out.
To people who say that this a hoax and the left just wants Trump to fall, look at who has had Covid. Would Herman Cain have wanted him to fail, no he was attending rallies with him in Tulsa attacking Liberals for the mask mandate and refused to wear one. Two weeks later he was dead. So think about this as you walk around wearing a mask, or not, are you really better off four years later than you were?
44 cleaned up the job & stock market that George W left behind. If Herman Cain wore a mask, he probably would be alive today. After the rally, there was a considerable spike in the covid-19, in Ok.
YOU DAMN RIGHT WE ARE BETTER OFF.... I would hate to think what Iran or north Korea could have done if we would have had a leader that only bought $$$$$$ them off instead of standings up to them. Instead of cowering or even BOWING to another leader like the last administration... that did NOTHING FOR 8 YEARS!!! name a couple if you don't believe it...
he had other medical conditions.... I'm curious what's your take on 6500 nursing home patients in NEW YORK ONLY!!! REALLY ??? That alone is like 15 to 20 times more then any state !!! They also would not let loved ones visit in hospitals, even with a universal precautions that's been in place for years... a mask, gloves and a gown. The same protocol I used for 24 years worth all kinds of viruses and diseases and NEVER contracted anything.... why this virus??? Were they really treating them or making them more of a host for this epidemic??? Not using thus protocol or saying basically it won't protect you from your mom or dad or loved one to be able to visit is ab farce... anyone that believes that UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS will not protect you while visiting ANYONE with ANYTHING is a fool, and this pandemic is doing its PURPOSE TO YOU, dictating your life like Sheep & ruining our economy.... WEAK PEOPLE
Your an . Idiot he WILL go down in history, wake up, look at his pre- presidential speech and the promises he made !!! He HAS kept all his promises and more... tell me what he hasn't done.??? I agree he Is a narcissist, SOOO.... he is a billionaire , 72 years old, HE DOESN'T NEED A JOB, Especially the toughest job in America if not the world... also HE WANTS TO GAIN??? REALLY REALLY?? What an airhead, do you know he hasn't excepted ANY presidential pay?? Tha last money he donated to fix up Veterans national cemeteries. Nancy Pelosi held back the first stimulus with her and the deep state tricks to try to get their BS area's funded & she refused to sign the 2nd stimulus which included renter protection & foreclosure protection, she don't give a damn about you, me, anyone or America only about more control and power. "TRUMP'S DEATH COUNT KEEPS GOING UP DAILY" ????. WOW did you have a lobotomy done?? He has ended ISIS and brought troops home and still is,. He visited " NORTH KOREA " & got the release of 50 Americans. Surely your NOT talking about the virus???? If so your blaming HIM alone for this epidemic?? Really??? Like you radical liberals are blaming him for the democratic ran states and cities riots NOT A PROTEST, RIOTS... THERE IS 2 PARTIES HERE, So the damn dems can spend these past years making up false charges to try to impeach Trump instead of PITCHING IN AS A PUBLIC SERVANT& HELP!!! GEEEEZ THAT'S A THOUGHT... It no more his fault then it is yours.... instead of making up fictional crap about OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP, maybe you should step back and look at ALL he's done & all he's been hit with and still fighting for America and not things he isn't.... this race is a BIG JOKE Biden with his alzheimers camping in his basement, what has he done to help with the virus anything at all??? He finally comes out yesterday and condemned riots?? Haaaaaa what a friggen joke... 2 months ago he agreed with them.... AGAIN look them up, every city the riots are in is democratic ran as is the STATE THEY ARE IN... the governors refused Trump's offer to send the nation6 guard in, they refused cause it's their state.... on occasions liberal mayor's joined in on the matches/riots
What promises did he fill??? Where's the wall? Mexico is paying for it?? Obamacare is still working. Trump hasn't donated squat, let along fixing cemeteries. He vidited N. Korea & is BFF with Putin, because he loves dictators & acts like a dictator, in the WH.
Re: virus & riots.... This is all happening on Trump's watch.
How many of his cronies are either in prison & have been found guilty of breaking the law? How many, of his administration, are not qualified to hold office? If they support Trump & are millionaires, that qualifies them.
I'll be clear here. As a former cop, I'm pro police. I'm NOT pro bad cops. We wouldn't be in this mess, if these bad cops didn't shoot unarmed black lives. Even though many of these lives, were criminals, which I believe they were, They should have been brought to justice. Not murdered on the streets.
Trump has fueled these riots. How about when he gave the order to disperse the peaceful protesters, with gas & mounted police, in front of the church, so he could walk over & hold up a bible, upside down, for a photo-op?
Trump had no business ordering Nat'l Guardsmen, to fight protesters. That was up to governors & mayors. NOT Trump.
Trump is no servant of the people. He's only there to serve himself.
Since taking office, Trump has told over 20 thousand lies.
The crux of this situation of friends and family secretly recording conversations is that a choice had to be made when we are being lead by a man who runs rough shod over people. If they had not recorded conversation they would not have been believed and the destruction machine would have rolled over them. Truth must be revealed!! These people knew things we need to know. I do not see betrayal but grave concern for our country made this act duty bound. Thankful someone had the concern to do it!!!
Another book that tells us nothing new about the Trump family, its endless deceits and corruption. Everyone involved in this administration, including a third of the media, has grifted off this presidency and the boundless misery of the country. Tens of thousands of people who could have stepped forward, as Miles Taylor has belatedly done, to protect the vulnerable and stave off most of the 177K Covid-19 deaths and all we see are endless books of gossip.
177k covid deaths? ITS terrible!! Dam BILL GATES and FAUCI!! And they have a patent on this virus . How dare they interrupt our great economy gour their gain ☠👈☠👈
I thought you were saying this with tongue firmly in cheek, but you really believe this crap you're spewing! I suppose you also believe in Santa Claus, Bigfoot and the Tooth Fairy. COVIDIOT!
There is no patented vaccine. Remember, Trump has his own covid-19 vaccine. It's called Clorox. I sure wish Trump & his deplorable supporters, would try it.
How sad that your “friends” are secretly taping your conversations. It reflects more poorly o these so-called friends than the Trumps. How many of us have expressed frustration or irritation with family members when we were in private? Answer: All of us.
I think it reveals the distrust EVERYONE who knows them has. They only use the Trumps to advance their careers or own agendas - not because they are great people. I can't imagine anyone really "likes" them - Many are sociopaths, they are a bloated self promoting pompous family and the outliers are the ones that are now calling them out - afraid for their own country.
Maybe. Maybe not. After getting burned by a friend, you might just sever the friendship. However, if you have business dealings with the friend, it is not so easy to sever the contact. Instead you would protect yourself against further double-dealings until you can sever that relationship. That may be what happened here. Let's see whether the taping occurred only after Melania threw the friend under the bus regarding the inauguration financial issues.
The First Floozy has always be a woman with little problem with selling things: her image, her sex, her dignity, etc. Her latest transaction is being a trophy wife to Trump. It''s clear she's just another employee, ans she had not signed up for working for the 'president' of the US or being first lady. Neither are qualified or should be anywhere near their current roles. I suspect that she pretty much loathes Trump at this ppoint - just like the rest of the same people of the world.
I hate to admit it. But Hillary was handed a bad hand. Between the so-called missing emails, which were never proven, & Comey making negative announcements, just before election,
lots of people voted for Trump, because they didn't like Hillary. Not because they liked Trump. But she still got over 3 million more popular votes, than the slime ball. Which is still pissing Trump off. Coming this Nov.3rd, voters will cast their ballot for Joe. Mostly because he & Kamala will do a better job. And there will be many Republican voters, who will vote for Biden, due to their dislike of Trump.
Jealousy and envy on display. Seems like Wolkoff was planning this book a long time before her friendship even began. Doesn’t put her character in the best light. Trump 2020
Thank goodness we all come from families where no one ever says a bad word their in-laws in private . We need to amend some laws so that creeps dont record our private conversations.
I think the first lady has done a stellar job keeping quit, I also think the roof is going to blow off Trump Tower when they return to New York after his loss,
Where are all these former “friends”, relatives, and associates writing nasty books about Obama or Biden? They don’t exist. Obama and Biden are basically decent men so you don’t have people lining up to write tell all books about them. Between all the convicted crooks in trumps administration and all the books and taped comments, who can continue to believe and support this guy?
Speaking of marriages, The Obama's have a loving relationship. Michelle has been a great 1st Lady. No comparison to the Trumpov's. If you disagree, you're just another typical racist Evangelical.
So, they don't have the ideal family relationships. In reality nobody does. He wasn't elected because he was Ghandi and a perfect enlightened being. He was elected because people were sick and tired of the political elite looking out for their own interests and down at the average person. Tired of the media sycophantic party line. Tired of being told to shut up and they don't know whats best for them, but DC knows.. They wanted a change. The change they looked for in Bush and didn't get. The change they hoped Obama would bring, but did not. They then elected a wild card, a shit stirrer, to send a message to DC that enough was enough, and they got one.
ALL Trump did WAS look out for the elite!! Gave them HUGE tax breaks and nothing to the rest of us. And he’s surrounded by crooks like himself. Disgusting
"people were sick and tired of the political elite looking out for their own interests and down at the average person" ... Trump would not even think for a sec to put anyone under bus...its all about OWN interest...
Before he became president, he's been in the public eye for decades. He's a corrupt business man, who jilted sub contractors, out of paying them. He still has pending investigations.
Look at all of the crooks, he hired for his administration. Most of them have been found guilty & some are serving prison sentences.
The “political elite” you and yours are always referring to are nowhere near the office of President. Instead they are the Kochs, Adlesons, Rupert Murdock, Mercers, Bernie Marcus & his wife Billie, the Uihleins; the really big money movers and shakers who move the human pawns around to affect world events and who can move their huge assets around enough to affect how well or how poorly we all live and work. You might ask your poor, sorry self who gains by having all social welfare programs gutted. Unless you can include yourself in the bazillionaire class, it sure as hell won’t be you.
I realize we have some Trump supporters here. That's why the negative comments. Are you surprised?? I don't blame Stephanie for writing her book. The Trumps are all back-stabbers & would throw anyone under the bus. Michael Cohen was a trusted fixer, for the Liar-in-Chief, for 20 years & look where it got him. The Trumps have NO friends.. They use people for their own gain.
Yup. There are still some people drunk on Trump’s noxious KoolAid. Negativity and hate are all they’ve got.
I couldn't agree more, Bacco.
All politicians are cut from the same cloth rotten and mildewed. Don’t trust any of them. The book Melanias handler has wrote shows her to be the same. Her 15 mins of fame and the money she will make. Can anyone say 13 pieces of silver?
Just most of the Republicans, Linda. LOL!!
I hope you hold these opinions for most politicians cause most are scum. Like Biden, Barak, the Bushes, the Clinton's, ect, ect. Let's start supporting good people
History will not remember "president" Trump or the GOP kindly at all -this will be a cautionary tale for future generations about how ignorance and the denying of science can destroy a nation and kill people. Trump really is the most incompetent President this nation has ever known. TRUMP.. UNSTABLE NON-GENIUS NARCISSIST KNOWN SERIAL LIAR! ..." HE'S IMPOTUS FOR A REASON. "COME NOVEMBER AMERICANS WILL REMEMBER!" 45 will sacrifice millions for his personal gain, happening now! Your president wants all the authority, none of the responsibility or accountability. Trump Death count keeps going up daily!
Millions WILL ALWAYS remember TRUMP 2020💯🇺🇸💯🇺🇸❤👍🥰
Posting that three times won't make it so. Trump WILL be remembered as the most corrupt, incompetent, inept, disingenuous, dishonest, despicable, demented & IMPEACHED president of all time. That is a truth one can't dispute.
Is that what you heard from CNN... #fakenews
Millions and Millions of people around the world will remember the idiot that was president and the moronic imbecilic cult that would've ate his feces if Trump asked. Just like Loretta Sanchez, how does that shitburger taste Loretta?
You liberals are as blind and dumb as a bat. Biden is destroying America 🇺🇸 and selling us out!! WAKE up!!
Copy and paste again it won’t help
sure it will....
Millions WILL ALWAYS remember TRUMP 2020💯🇺🇸💯🇺🇸❤👍🥰
Oh he’ll be remembered alright, Loretta. Millions remember Hitler too.
I believe your comparison is closer to Joe Burden 🐑🤡🐑🤡🐑
Loretta you’re on you’re own here 🤡
Yes, he will be remembered, but as being a narcissist,,selfish, lying chump.
Crazy liberals ate blind and closed minded. May God help you!!
The anti Trump crowd persists in throwing insults and name calling. The Marxists mentality hopes that ignoring facts of accomplishments and being negative is enough to sway free thinking Americans. LOL. See you in November.
Accomplishments you say? The stock market has done pretty well under Trump. However, what did he have to work with before he got there? Did he start from the bottom and work his way up, or was he riding on the coattails of 44 and being thankful for the win?
The pandemic incompetence is one of the worst examples of mismanagement that I have ever seen. Remember in the Titanic how they actually shot off three flares that were seen by other ships who were in the vicinity but thought they were celebratory fireworks? At 178,000 deaths which is more than Vietnam and looks to eclipse World War Two the United States doesn’t need fireworks, we need a crew to put the fire out.
To people who say that this a hoax and the left just wants Trump to fall, look at who has had Covid. Would Herman Cain have wanted him to fail, no he was attending rallies with him in Tulsa attacking Liberals for the mask mandate and refused to wear one. Two weeks later he was dead. So think about this as you walk around wearing a mask, or not, are you really better off four years later than you were?
44 cleaned up the job & stock market that George W left behind. If Herman Cain wore a mask, he probably would be alive today. After the rally, there was a considerable spike in the covid-19, in Ok.
YOU DAMN RIGHT WE ARE BETTER OFF.... I would hate to think what Iran or north Korea could have done if we would have had a leader that only bought $$$$$$ them off instead of standings up to them. Instead of cowering or even BOWING to another leader like the last administration... that did NOTHING FOR 8 YEARS!!! name a couple if you don't believe it...
A myopic comment.
he had other medical conditions.... I'm curious what's your take on 6500 nursing home patients in NEW YORK ONLY!!! REALLY ??? That alone is like 15 to 20 times more then any state !!! They also would not let loved ones visit in hospitals, even with a universal precautions that's been in place for years... a mask, gloves and a gown. The same protocol I used for 24 years worth all kinds of viruses and diseases and NEVER contracted anything.... why this virus??? Were they really treating them or making them more of a host for this epidemic??? Not using thus protocol or saying basically it won't protect you from your mom or dad or loved one to be able to visit is ab farce... anyone that believes that UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS will not protect you while visiting ANYONE with ANYTHING is a fool, and this pandemic is doing its PURPOSE TO YOU, dictating your life like Sheep & ruining our economy.... WEAK PEOPLE
You mean WW One
No, I typed what I meant. According to https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-us-military-numbers, there were approximately 407,000 United States service members killed during World War Two. That is a number we are gaining on at a pace that is too quick for my taste.
The trunk delusional symptom is strong in you. Seek help from a cult separation expert.
Millions WILL ALWAYS remember TRUMP 2020💯🇺🇸💯🇺🇸❤👍🥰
Loretta Sanchez is a whore
Very classy Cherrie. You must be a very educated person to have such a use of the English language.
Your an . Idiot he WILL go down in history, wake up, look at his pre- presidential speech and the promises he made !!! He HAS kept all his promises and more... tell me what he hasn't done.??? I agree he Is a narcissist, SOOO.... he is a billionaire , 72 years old, HE DOESN'T NEED A JOB, Especially the toughest job in America if not the world... also HE WANTS TO GAIN??? REALLY REALLY?? What an airhead, do you know he hasn't excepted ANY presidential pay?? Tha last money he donated to fix up Veterans national cemeteries. Nancy Pelosi held back the first stimulus with her and the deep state tricks to try to get their BS area's funded & she refused to sign the 2nd stimulus which included renter protection & foreclosure protection, she don't give a damn about you, me, anyone or America only about more control and power. "TRUMP'S DEATH COUNT KEEPS GOING UP DAILY" ????. WOW did you have a lobotomy done?? He has ended ISIS and brought troops home and still is,. He visited " NORTH KOREA " & got the release of 50 Americans. Surely your NOT talking about the virus???? If so your blaming HIM alone for this epidemic?? Really??? Like you radical liberals are blaming him for the democratic ran states and cities riots NOT A PROTEST, RIOTS... THERE IS 2 PARTIES HERE, So the damn dems can spend these past years making up false charges to try to impeach Trump instead of PITCHING IN AS A PUBLIC SERVANT& HELP!!! GEEEEZ THAT'S A THOUGHT... It no more his fault then it is yours.... instead of making up fictional crap about OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP, maybe you should step back and look at ALL he's done & all he's been hit with and still fighting for America and not things he isn't.... this race is a BIG JOKE Biden with his alzheimers camping in his basement, what has he done to help with the virus anything at all??? He finally comes out yesterday and condemned riots?? Haaaaaa what a friggen joke... 2 months ago he agreed with them.... AGAIN look them up, every city the riots are in is democratic ran as is the STATE THEY ARE IN... the governors refused Trump's offer to send the nation6 guard in, they refused cause it's their state.... on occasions liberal mayor's joined in on the matches/riots
What promises did he fill??? Where's the wall? Mexico is paying for it?? Obamacare is still working. Trump hasn't donated squat, let along fixing cemeteries. He vidited N. Korea & is BFF with Putin, because he loves dictators & acts like a dictator, in the WH.
Re: virus & riots.... This is all happening on Trump's watch.
How many of his cronies are either in prison & have been found guilty of breaking the law? How many, of his administration, are not qualified to hold office? If they support Trump & are millionaires, that qualifies them.
I'll be clear here. As a former cop, I'm pro police. I'm NOT pro bad cops. We wouldn't be in this mess, if these bad cops didn't shoot unarmed black lives. Even though many of these lives, were criminals, which I believe they were, They should have been brought to justice. Not murdered on the streets.
Trump has fueled these riots. How about when he gave the order to disperse the peaceful protesters, with gas & mounted police, in front of the church, so he could walk over & hold up a bible, upside down, for a photo-op?
Trump had no business ordering Nat'l Guardsmen, to fight protesters. That was up to governors & mayors. NOT Trump.
Trump is no servant of the people. He's only there to serve himself.
Since taking office, Trump has told over 20 thousand lies.
Well said.
Yes! Hideous!
If this bunch wasn’t so disgusting and corrupt, no one would want to secretly tape them. Wake up. Trump needs to go.
The crux of this situation of friends and family secretly recording conversations is that a choice had to be made when we are being lead by a man who runs rough shod over people. If they had not recorded conversation they would not have been believed and the destruction machine would have rolled over them. Truth must be revealed!! These people knew things we need to know. I do not see betrayal but grave concern for our country made this act duty bound. Thankful someone had the concern to do it!!!
The hypocritical Evangelical Trump supporters, are a sham. Let me give you two words, in case you forgot. Nixon tapes.
Another book that tells us nothing new about the Trump family, its endless deceits and corruption. Everyone involved in this administration, including a third of the media, has grifted off this presidency and the boundless misery of the country. Tens of thousands of people who could have stepped forward, as Miles Taylor has belatedly done, to protect the vulnerable and stave off most of the 177K Covid-19 deaths and all we see are endless books of gossip.
177k covid deaths? ITS terrible!! Dam BILL GATES and FAUCI!! And they have a patent on this virus . How dare they interrupt our great economy gour their gain ☠👈☠👈
I thought you were saying this with tongue firmly in cheek, but you really believe this crap you're spewing! I suppose you also believe in Santa Claus, Bigfoot and the Tooth Fairy. COVIDIOT!
Lady, please take your meds! You’re as unstable as the fool behind the Resolute desk.
You are the one that sounds so sick and on a high Mike Tyson weed. Get a life
More ignorance from the right. Tyson happens to be a Trump supporter.
What an ignorant fool you are. Save your bile for someone who cares.
There is no patented vaccine. Remember, Trump has his own covid-19 vaccine. It's called Clorox. I sure wish Trump & his deplorable supporters, would try it.
How sad that your “friends” are secretly taping your conversations. It reflects more poorly o these so-called friends than the Trumps. How many of us have expressed frustration or irritation with family members when we were in private? Answer: All of us.
If this bunch wasn’t so disgusting and corrupt, no one would want to secretly tape them. Wake up. Trump needs to go.
No, it reflects on the Trumps because they always lie and will blame everyone else for their own crimes. The tapings are done for self-defense.
With his reputation for leaving “the little guys” holding the bag, I’d tape every contact I’d have to have with any of them!
Trump has proven himself a liar, I don't blame them!
I think it reveals the distrust EVERYONE who knows them has. They only use the Trumps to advance their careers or own agendas - not because they are great people. I can't imagine anyone really "likes" them - Many are sociopaths, they are a bloated self promoting pompous family and the outliers are the ones that are now calling them out - afraid for their own country.
Maybe. Maybe not. After getting burned by a friend, you might just sever the friendship. However, if you have business dealings with the friend, it is not so easy to sever the contact. Instead you would protect yourself against further double-dealings until you can sever that relationship. That may be what happened here. Let's see whether the taping occurred only after Melania threw the friend under the bus regarding the inauguration financial issues.
He has no biz dealings, he has corruption.
Nope, they have zero friends or allies. His own sister said he can’t be trusted. But you’re too stupid to see the writing on the wall.
The First Floozy has always be a woman with little problem with selling things: her image, her sex, her dignity, etc. Her latest transaction is being a trophy wife to Trump. It''s clear she's just another employee, ans she had not signed up for working for the 'president' of the US or being first lady. Neither are qualified or should be anywhere near their current roles. I suspect that she pretty much loathes Trump at this ppoint - just like the rest of the same people of the world.
I hate to admit it. But Hillary was handed a bad hand. Between the so-called missing emails, which were never proven, & Comey making negative announcements, just before election,
lots of people voted for Trump, because they didn't like Hillary. Not because they liked Trump. But she still got over 3 million more popular votes, than the slime ball. Which is still pissing Trump off. Coming this Nov.3rd, voters will cast their ballot for Joe. Mostly because he & Kamala will do a better job. And there will be many Republican voters, who will vote for Biden, due to their dislike of Trump.
More Bull Shit from some 15 minutes of fame wannabe. What a real friend, huh??
Jealousy and envy on display. Seems like Wolkoff was planning this book a long time before her friendship even began. Doesn’t put her character in the best light. Trump 2020
Trump GONE 1/22/21!
Thank goodness we all come from families where no one ever says a bad word their in-laws in private . We need to amend some laws so that creeps dont record our private conversations.
Two words...... Nixon tapes.
I think the first lady has done a stellar job keeping quit, I also think the roof is going to blow off Trump Tower when they return to New York after his loss,
Who is THEY??? Melania & Barron will be heading back to her Ivory Trump Tower.
She already purchased a one-way ticket to Mar-A-Lago, for her future estranged, no-good hubby. Wait till HER book comes out.
The "Swamp" was turned into a Cesspool by the Trumps & they are the biggest turds floating among the sludge.
Where are all these former “friends”, relatives, and associates writing nasty books about Obama or Biden? They don’t exist. Obama and Biden are basically decent men so you don’t have people lining up to write tell all books about them. Between all the convicted crooks in trumps administration and all the books and taped comments, who can continue to believe and support this guy?
Speaking of marriages, The Obama's have a loving relationship. Michelle has been a great 1st Lady. No comparison to the Trumpov's. If you disagree, you're just another typical racist Evangelical.
Take a looks at the latest Trumpov press conference, today.
If there's an audio recording why not release that? This idiot is just trying so sell their book.
Dementia Joe's allies pulling out all stops, yawn.....
So, they don't have the ideal family relationships. In reality nobody does. He wasn't elected because he was Ghandi and a perfect enlightened being. He was elected because people were sick and tired of the political elite looking out for their own interests and down at the average person. Tired of the media sycophantic party line. Tired of being told to shut up and they don't know whats best for them, but DC knows.. They wanted a change. The change they looked for in Bush and didn't get. The change they hoped Obama would bring, but did not. They then elected a wild card, a shit stirrer, to send a message to DC that enough was enough, and they got one.
ALL Trump did WAS look out for the elite!! Gave them HUGE tax breaks and nothing to the rest of us. And he’s surrounded by crooks like himself. Disgusting
"people were sick and tired of the political elite looking out for their own interests and down at the average person" ... Trump would not even think for a sec to put anyone under bus...its all about OWN interest...
You don’t even know the man, how can you be so fast to judge him. Judge not others lest you be judged yourself, only God knows a persons true heart.
We know the man by what he says and does. It’s out there for all to see, if one opens one’s eyes.
So open your eyes and see what he has done and not what the Demonrats say he hasn't done.
Before he became president, he's been in the public eye for decades. He's a corrupt business man, who jilted sub contractors, out of paying them. He still has pending investigations.
Look at all of the crooks, he hired for his administration. Most of them have been found guilty & some are serving prison sentences.
You’re funny.
That's why Trump will burn in Hell. God knows he's not a Christian.
Paul, seek help. You are a dumbass and likely a danger to yourself and others...
The “political elite” you and yours are always referring to are nowhere near the office of President. Instead they are the Kochs, Adlesons, Rupert Murdock, Mercers, Bernie Marcus & his wife Billie, the Uihleins; the really big money movers and shakers who move the human pawns around to affect world events and who can move their huge assets around enough to affect how well or how poorly we all live and work. You might ask your poor, sorry self who gains by having all social welfare programs gutted. Unless you can include yourself in the bazillionaire class, it sure as hell won’t be you.