Thank you for your butthurt social justice warrior rant Yashar. Now go eat some tofu and feel good in your little heart that you’ve accomplished nothing.

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The guy is a jerk for shooting the elephants, and I'm against all trophy hunting, but if what he did was legal, then why the smear job when it comes to a Trump appointment? Never mind. I just answered my own question.

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Cause the baby killing democrats



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How many times are gonna copy and paste this dumbass shit.

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Word on the street is that those elephants were delicious.

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They taste like rattlesnake..pass me a wing...

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Qualification for Pentagon positions should include ability to help defend the country; not whether the nominee passes the "wokeness" approval of the world's betas.

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The other relevant facts include the truth that elephants over the course of a lifetime bring over one million dollars in photographic safari tourism. Furthermore, the money doesn't not go to the locals who live with (and who could protect the wildlife if they benefitted from the hunting money)...the money stays mostly in the hands of the concessionaire...The fact that entitled humans engage in blood sports to get a thrill --and then get to kill an essential an endangered animal for personal thrill--should outrage everybody. A relatively small number of humans think they DESERVE to kill wildlife...These somnambulistic murderers must be stopped by those with the will to stem the ecocide. @wild daze the movie.

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Who the fuck cares? This guy is awesome for doing this and being open and honest about it. If this was legal in the country, then mind your own damn business.

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It's what you do when you Elephant hunt. Incidentally, the money provided through legal hunting always and everywhere provides resources for security (in Africa) and habitat (everywhere). Anti-hunting liberals provide nothing for the animals they pretend to care for. State License fees combined with: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Foundation, and a host of others do. The only African countries who are able to thwart poaching do it using money gained through managed and legal hunting. The author's "slippery slope" comment connecting legal hunting and poaching is embarrassing. He knows nothing of which he writes.

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Nobody cares what your opinion is on this matter.

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'Trophy Hunting' is just code for "I like to kill unarmed, defenseless animals because I'm just a sick POS.' I have no use for sub humans that think killing a large animal is fun. Nor do I want this vile excuse for a human to have any sort of say in our government. You can blather on all you want about licensing fees, feeding the villages, animal cultivation, it doesn't change the basic premise that the reason you hunt is because you like to kill things. Period.

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Nobody cares what your opinion is on this matter.

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BWAHAHAHA.......says the guy who commented. I find it hilarious that the email alerting me to your comment was in my junk file. Very fitting, I must say.

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Hunting elephants is about as sporting as hunting cows. What a douche.

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elephants are highly intelligent creatures with self awareness and brains much larger than humans. We treat them as objects without feelings, which diminishes our own humanity.

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I'm a veteran and a staunch Republican. I voted for Trump twice. I do not approve of how he's handling the transition of power. It is hurting our nation at a very difficult time. This, honestly, is a sideshow. Capt. O'Grady survived a harrowing event and acted honorably throughout the ordeal. I've got no idea what his qualifications are to be the acting Dep Sec Def, but I hope he has what is needed to effectively transition power between President Trump and President-Elect Biden. I don't agree at all with Biden/Harris' politics...not even a little bit...but they ran an effective enough campaign to win.

With all of this said, this truly is a non-story. I can appreciate animal rights. I love my dog and can't imagine anyone willfully harming her. I am also a hunter and respect the rights of outdoorsmen (and women) to enjoy the sport. I don't know that I'd ever hunt an elephant, but i can understand those who wish to. Assuming it was done in accordance with local laws, I don't see a problem or a reason to assassinate people's character over their passion for hunting big game. The same principle applies to someone wearing a pink p---sy hat to a protest. I don't agree with their position, but i don't begrudge their right to voice their opinion.

We all need to pause for a minute and think about the things that are dividing us. Are they really hills to die on? Can we appreciate people for their uniqueness? Can we try to drop the fear that someone is trying to take something away from us and just stay calm and discuss the facts over the feelings. If we do this, I'm sure we can find common ground vs lighting each other on fire over some really ridiculous things. People are being trafficked and enslaved every day. People are dying from horrible drug and alcohol addictions. Unspeakable violence is happening between us. Let's stop for a minute and recognize where we can come together vs what separates us.

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Biden and Harris didn't run a campaign at all. Where have you been?

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The man like to kill. He gets a thrill out of snuffing out life. That’s how he gets his kicks. He’s a sicko. Some go to prison and some are called hero’s. Go figure.

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Interesting how in the report the killing of the elephants is decribed as harvesting aka "gathering crop" to make it seem like a somewhat benign activity.

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Since Kenya banned elephant hunting.

There elephanr numbers have plummeted.

Controlled legal hunting is not a problem.

Poaching is..

Wake up

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it's sad but what is this substack subspecies of 'journalism' where a reader is implored to pay the writer's rent from the get-go? It's not as unseemly as hunting, but the optics aren't great either. And as for "enjoying your Twitter" feed...please stop shilling for an idiotic company that trades on half-baked barbs and brain farts.

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“ But experts say allowing the hunting of elephants is a slippery slope, which leads to an increase in poaching. ”

What’s load of unsubstantiated utter balderdash. Elephants that remit no food on the table and that ravage the land is more to blame. “Supply and demand” would ensure their safety. But what would some soppy, Disney infected “journalist” know about that?

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