This organization is so far beyond what most people can even comprehend. In my early 20’s, I worked for a dentist in Northern Virginia who asked if I wanted to go to an all expenses paid business conference in Florida - zero context. What twenty-something would say no? Turns out it was a conference (at a Scientology campus) focused on L. Ron Hubbard’s teachings about how to meet people on their level, etc. At first I thought everything made sense and was very logical. A couple hours in, I realized that THIS is how people must feel when they realize they’re being brainwashed. Managed to find a new job shortly thereafter, but it will forever bother me how much everything made sense and how easy it was to just go along with it.

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Outstanding article! I hope Shelly will one day know how many people truly cared about her.

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This is sad, this is outrageous this is criminal and what is the FBI doing about this? For a cult to be granted tax exempt status is a disgrace. I met Leah Remini a few months ago at a restaurant and I told her a story about when I was about 21 years old maybe 22 living on my own in an apartment in Beverly Hills and there was a woman about my age who had an apartment down the hall from me and she told me the most harrowing story of her escape from the Hollywood Scientology building. She had to escape from a second floor window and run for her life this was in 1975 and she was so petrified to be found by them and be brought back there. Eventually she moved out of California and I lost track of her I don’t know what became of her… I know one thing if this was happening back in 1975 the cult Of Scientology has become so emboldened that they do whatever they want they are like a country onto themselves with their own ruler, their own laws they’re like a combination of the mafia and communist regime. I think it would be really great if everyone who reads this print it out and send a copy with a letter to Christopher Ray the head of the FBI it’s time that Scientology is found to be a criminal enterprise and loses its tax exempt status and is removed from the face of the earth. As for Tom Cruise I have been boycotting that man for 30 years…I wouldn’t pay to see a film with him in it and I wouldn’t even go for free! I think he is sick guy and any man that would abandon his own child because they’re not a Scientologist is truly evil and beyond brainwashed. He’s like David Miscavige Jr. and I hope they all eventually are held accountable for all of the horrors they’ve brought upon others.

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My friend took a “personality quiz “ at her community college when she was 19. She bought some materials and signed up for a class. She decided to get a refund on the advice of me and other friends. Me and my boyfriend, at the time, went with her to the Orange County CA headquarters to obtain a refund. What we endured over the next few hours was unreal..like a bad nightmare. They made her go through 7 steps and get signed off before advancing to the next step. Each person we encountered was more and more aggressive. One yelled at us and told us to sit down and be quiet or we wouldn’t get a refund. They separated her from us and put pressure on her to stay in the class. We saw people studying in classrooms and were walking like zombies between classes not making eye contact with anyone. They finally cast us out and treated us like we were terrible humans. She eventually only got a partial refund. It was so scary and so weird at the same time. I’ve watched all episodes of scientology and the Aftermath. I’m so glad Leah, Mike and others got out. I pray Shelly is found.

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L Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer, and I didn't think a very good one. I remember in the early 60's, when I was a teenager, I would read what he was writing about the religion he was inventing (Scientology) in the SciFi magazines of the day. I thought it was nuts, no one would believe in a religion invented by a SciFi writer. Religion or cult, after all these years I still can't believe anyone would fall for this nonsense.

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Exceptionally good writing.

Great anecdotes.

Pulitzer prize category.

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People wonder why I am not a fan of Tom Cruise, this is why. This company and let us not be fooled this thing called Scientology is a business, is corrupt to it’s very roots. But wait, what business punishes it’s employees but won’t let them leave? Oh yes A CULT. I have nothing but disgust for anything that uses people especially children and calls itself a religion.

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The LAPD needs to be investigated for their handling of this case and many, many others involving Scientology, including many child victims trying to escape only to be returned by the LAPD to their victimizers. Not only state AG should be investigating this completely corrupt police department but federal law enforcement should be investigating them. Where is the accountability for the harm they have done to countless victims and covering up scientology's crimes? Because they have been given legal cloaking of religion is not acceptable! Laws need to be changed! Outrageous!

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The LAPD's cozy relationship, especially Hollywood Division, with $cientology is way overdue for a serious investigation by an outside agency, preferably the DOJ. Or the State Attorney General's Office if the DOJ can't be bothered.

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Im hopeful that Scientology’s hateful days are numbered. No justice no peace. Thanks for a great article.

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Wow! I'm blown away, I've been watching since episode 1. I'm still praying for Shelly. Your article is 🔥... you did that!

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It’s crazy to think that The police won’t do anything in actually seeing if Shelly is ok corruption at its best ! Well done leah on keeping up the fight for this woman your friend Shelly . I hope she sees this article or someone close to her and she knows how much you care for her and how others want her to be safe too xxx great article

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My friend was an auditor at age 17. He's now 76. I've shed him to reveal. Please. He was on the ship. 14 years. Brainwashed. Walked when Holywood blvd one-day and boom! That was it! Naive kid. His brother too. He escaped one night. Never told me how. Probably to terrified.

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Thank you for this update, well, as much as you could actually update regarding Shelly.

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This investigative reporting by Yashar Ali must be considered for Pulitzer Prize!

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Would it help to publish the names of all Scientology actors and actresses and ask the public to boycott their movies and shows? Without popularity, their Scientolgy influence might deminish.

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