Conservative media host and commentator Steven Crowder can be seen on a Ring Camera video berating his wife Hilary, who was at the time nearly eight months pregnant, and demanding that she handle medicine for his dogs that she was concerned was toxic to pregnant women. In the video, he snaps at her to put on her gloves to give his dogs medicine, walk the dogs, and otherwise "perform wifely duties," as she is clearly emotionally distressed.
She's a victim of domestic abuse. How do you want her to behave? She tries to appease him by telling him she loves him and is committed to him. That's what scared victims do.
Yep, it's no different if a man was dealing with a wife threatening to harm themselves or something emotionally abusive such as that. You pretty much tell them what they want to hear in the moment until you can make yourself and others in a safe position. She's not manipulating, she's surviving.
Correct because women are the victims 100% of the time and men are the abusers 100% of the time and women are perfect in every way and men are trash. Good luck being alone the rest of your life.
based on what hes saying it sounds like shes cheated on him, and what he said...not that bad for someone who is apparrently a violent bully....this is garbage
I do not think his behavior is acceptable at all, however, she was not afraid of him physically harming her and she's never claimed that. I didn't see any fear in regards to her physical safety that would require her to appease him.
Or she’s attempting to change the subject so she doesn’t have to do shit she doesn’t want to do. Like it or not, ADULTS have to sometimes do things they don’t want to or don’t feel like doing. She’s pregnant NOT an invalid.
It’s obvious from their body language who has the power in this dynamic. He is under no threat, not at all at risk, actively and repeatedly demeaning her. She is pacing, restless, afraid to leave, like she is caged and knows the patterns of her captor, knows what will happen if she tries to make an escape.
Attempting to manage the situation to get herself to a place of psychological and emotional safety isn’t manipulation. It’s self-defense.
If she wasn't 8 months pregnant, I would probably agree with you. We don't have enough information. However, I feel like in the final stages of pregnancy that maybe getting your wife pregnant and simping for your wife in the last month or two of pregnancy isn't the worst thing in the world and kind of what you signed up for. Stress heavily negatively impacts fetuses in the womb. For the sake of my children, I'd probably put in some sacrifices for the sake of my children's development in the womb. Especially when it's over small things, like having to sacrifice gym time to get groceries or give the dog medicine.
Saying that "this only ends with discipline and respect", in its own way is showing an immense disrespect for her and her concerns. It's just completely dismissive of her point of view.
Even not seeing what caused the conflict, I feel like that clearly demonstrates some abusive behavior. However, maybe it was a one-off situation (albeit an extremely poorly timed one-off considering is wife is 8 months pregnant....).
yeah I'm wondering how he disciplines his wife. I can't imagine how he would have to get his children. Domineering to the extreme. Glad they are not subject to his constant "attentions."
The other thing that people forget when you are in an abusive relationship is that sometimes the victim is not going to act perfectly but that doesn't make them any less a victim. Clearly here she is trying to talk rationally and get a little time away from his craziness, maybe she has a therapist appointment to learn to deal with this, and she doesn't want to tell him, for all we know.
They were obviously in the middle of a argument that was not entirely captured by the film. There was no context at all. We have no idea how she behaves or what kind of passive aggressive stuff she pulls on him.
I’m as terfy as it gets, and everyone in my Twitter circle is condemning this clearly abusive behavior. TERFs support women over men, always - no matter how those men identify.
Then you have never been in an devaluing relationship and should be thanking God for that. She is not manipulating him, she is trying to diffuse his anger because she knows what will happen if she can’t. She is strong, and brave, and doesn’t put him down, she speaks truth, despite his cruel controlling and manipulative comments.
You have no knowledge of this other commenter. You are making assumptions of them JUST LIKE the assumptions you are making of the video. Neither are based in facts. Narcissistic people can very easily make their partner look “crazy” or “evil” I find much of this video to be deceptively edited…ie why insist what was said directly after the video ended was something egregious yet not show it? If you cannot show it, why say it as a definitive? If only one party states something occurred w/o evidence it’s complete speculation.
I am woke and I'm sick of the way women whine about everything being 'abuse.' I'm sick of seeing men blamed for bad behavior when their wives/girlfriends are just as good at giving it back.
Especially since they turn around and claim that they are as strong as men. It is so pathetic.
She is being even more manipulative-the man is just pissed because it's the 1000th time she pulled this crap. She knows he needs to use the car for work but her sudden emergency nail appointment should take priority over his. Classic case of female abuse. And she is playing for the camera. To deflect the manipulation and falsely make the man the agressor, every abusive & manipuplating woman only needs to do is cry, make a pouty face when she doesn't get her way, and and say "I love you" when abusing him. Men remember AWALT, it's just a matter of degree.
He didn’t need the car for work. He said she could use the car is she walked the dogs and gave them medicine. He was punishing her for not wanting to do that while 8 months pregnant with twins. What man acts like that and then threatens his pregnant wife? He’s a faggot.
LOL he said he needed the car to go to the gym and see his friends! Just fully making shit up to cover for some dude who doesn't know you're alive! He's a millionaire, son! He could BUY a new car tomorrow if he wanted one. There is one reason why he has one car: so he can control his spouse.
Tying a noose is quite easy. Start by forming a loop with the rope, then make a knot at the bottom of the loop. Next, create a smaller loop at the top and bring the rope down through the first loop. Finally, pull the knot tight, and voila! You now have a perfect noose. Have fun!
What we see looks pretty horrible regardless of context and Crowder seems to agree. But the context can make a difference - this could in fact be the 1000 time she’s challenging him and he blows his lid in response to that history rather than to the current situation. In a way that is horrible and abusive and he should have apologized for and in fact may have done it.
She was most likely the wrong choice, as was Landau, who’s a sniveling cunt derailing the show when Crowder is about to make a point. Both sort-of “tricked” him into committing and Crowder seems unable to accept and cut his losses, which is tbh so ugh and painful… He wants some sort of revenge, and that’s through abuse, and that can and has been turned against him.
Gerald or his father seem competent and loyal and should be able to help him navigate emotionally difficult situations. He needs to let them.
I'm also conservative and a traditionalist, and I'm not afraid to call this what it is - wrong and abusive. If you can't admit that some conservatives are bad people and/or commit bad acts, you're in denial, and you probably aren't very confident about your own beliefs. I'm comfortable enough in my own beliefs to not think I have to endorse Crowder just because he shares the same political label as I do. He's seemed "off" to me for a long time, this only adds to it.
IF YOU ARE “CONSERVATIVE” and yet you haven’t watched parts of statements being used to screw people over then I have to believe you are being disingenuous. “Calling people out” should be done without making biased judgements, w/o using the assumption of how you would react in the situation as a basis for him positively being at fault. MOST people have just stated that there isn’t enough context or knowledge about their relationship to say either way.
Monogamy is a hackneyed tenet of religion, an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and white male posterity . . .
All men are born of a woman, married or not . . . Judaism is matriarchy . . . Jews trace their lineage through the women . . . Catholicism is the red headed stepchild of Judaism, Pope Father Bergoglio and all that patriarchy at the Vatican is nothing but a policy to spread the other cheek of altar boys.
if you don't get shot when you're busy shooting up your school because no girl wants to go to prom with you, you're going to die alone, you incel loser.
First, you'll need a sturdy rope, preferably one that can hold a decent amount of weight. Then, you'll want to create a loop at one end of the rope and tighten it so it stays in place. After that, take the long end of the rope and wrap it around the loop several times, making sure it's nice and tight. Finally, thread the long end of the rope through the loop and pull it tight. And voila! You have yourself a nice, tight hangman's knot.
well not when I was eight months pregnant, yes I have been terrible at times to my husband of 30+ years especially in my 20s and he has been exceedingly patient with me. And yes Crowder is absolutely abusive. Steven Crowder claims to be a Christian right? That means he is to lay down his life even as Christ laid his life down for the church. I don't see him laying any life down here he's just browbeating her like a good old Pharisee threatening to throw the first stone. (though he has clearly been stoning her figuratively for a long time, this is a very familiar unhealthy pattern to them, you can tell by the way it is being done).
I don't doubt the possibility that she used to give it back to him but when you realize that that just fuels him more she learned how to Gray rock. And as she learned healthier communication habits he has gotten worse which is a very typical when you try to resist bad relationship behavior the sick one who doesn't want to change gets even worse. (incidentally, I would bet she has been seeing a therapist for her own sanity in secret and Stephen is probably pissed off that he doesn't know where she is at every second of the day).
what would that prove even if someone was in a similar argument? Nothing. There are people who behave like Crowder and it doesn't make Crowder's behavior less abusive.
No, unfortunately you refuse to see that it IS possible that a woman could be manipulative. This scenario COULD BE EITHER she COULD be being manipulative AND he COULD be being abusive. There is no way to know without more video or factual information.
Intelligent well measured men, even if under manipulation, NEVER say the things this creature said. Even if she is the most wicked witch on the planet, she is of no threat to him and he need not be so aggressive. I can't stand so called men who raise their voices and posture aggressively toward women- they always act differently when a man is present. And, since my wife has bore me many many children, I can tell you she would never be asked to deal with stuffing pills up my dog's anus when she is 8 months pregnant, or pregnant at all for that matter. A real man would not expect that.
I can't think of any medication that dogs take that way. However it's beside the point. She apparently had to hang up about handling the dogs medication because she was pregnant and didn't want it to affect the babies. Regardless of whether her fear was rational, Crowder was abusive towards her about it.
wow. No one here is saying that Hillary is perfect or that she ever hasn't dished out something similar (quite possibly she used to and then realized it was not healthy and found other ways to try and communicate, deescalate, and set boundaries). But we are commenting on is the video. In that video Crowder is being abusive.
Anyone that can look at this and hand wave it as hes not an abusive person, especially when he admitted to threatening to "fuck you up," is most likely very much the same.
If anyone sees this. Run from people like this. Immediately.
All I have to say to you is that if you think Crowder's behavior here is okay, normal, and healthy, you will never, ever have a happy marriage and you will die alone and miserable.
Crowder appears to me a Narccisist on Steroids! This turd now scares me. His wife was 8 months pregnant....and we get this 3 year old tantrum behaviour. Shame....Shame...Shame on this Psychopath!
I think IF this 3 min clip is representative of how he usually is (which we don't know) then sounds v anti social and I think he has a personality I'd hate to date someone with....having an off putting controlling personality is not abuse.
he's literally ordering her around and screaming about discipline and making her do things that are dangerous to her health but there's no abuse? fuck you you disingenuous shit
cutting off someone's access to a car, getting angry when she says she'll be back when she'll be back, demanding that SHE feed HIS dogs medicine (that may or may not be toxic to PREGNANT WOMEN), a steady stream of berating her, saying she's a bad, selfish wife, etc. all of those things are abusive. hope this helps.
Ummm a controlling personality that leads to an attempt to umm "control" another person, a person you view as needing to submit to you, is the definition of being abusive. What would qualify as abuse to you?
Just bc its not physical abuse doesn't mean it isn't abusive. He was telling her she couldn't take the car & that if she didn't do what he wanted, it means she isn't doing her wifely duties. He's making his problem w her behavior & turning it around on her as if she's the one who needs to change instead of him. She brings up the fact what he's doing is abuse & he says "watch it. Fucking watch it" in a way i interpret as threatening bc he doesn't want to be called out for his bad behavior. I don't care what you call it- anti social or a controlling personality... Its abuse. Those are the ppl who have abusive violent tendencies. Personalities like anti-social or other personality disorders. I really hope you wouldn't excuse someone behaving this way as "not abuse".
Simping for a guy who tells his 8 month pregnant wife he is going to F her up is having an off putting personality, actually telling your 8th month pregnant wife you are going to F her up is a personality disorder. Know the difference.
Telling your very pregnant wife to take an Uber and to give medicine that is toxic to her and the unborn children, to his fucking dogs is most certainly a form of abuse. And he was very clearly projecting by saying that she was boxing him in and that she was preventing him from seeing people because she needed to go to the store for whatever bullshit he apparently wanted. And why exactly does someone with as much money as him only have one car? I’m guessing it’s so he can keep his wife stranded at home. That man is a piece of shit and so are you for defending him. You can both rot in hell.
Not only is he exhibiting CLINICAL signs of an abusive partner, he's also showing traits of narcissism. The people who cannot see this and support him, even after he said he's done abusive things are not normal. They are not mentally normal.
You know what impresses me the most about you people is that you're gaslighting on behalf of Steven Crowder. You're basically doing the "you're overreacting" tactic that is extremely common for abusers to use on their victims.
No, but years of this type of treatment does. It starts subtle one little put down about how your hair doesn’t look right. Then the next time it’s three or four things wrong with you and it just keeps going for the rest of your relationship and if you think that you’re at fault, it never ends.
I'm sure your "tough guy" husband hasn't had 3 minutes he regretted in your marriage.
Give me a break. For starters, there is very little context. Second when operating at Steve's level, why is he so out of line to expect the same from his wife? As far as providing, it looks like he has held up his end of the bargain.
We don't even know their agreements or arrangements. To paint him as some diabolical figure based on this shows either some sort of confirmation bias, inexperience, or are some 3rd wave feminist, which if true, all 3 are true by default
Congratulations on telling on yourself. No, normal people do not have these kinds of episodes, even when disagreeing with their partner. The fact you clearly do, and that you think it's normal, says that you are an abuser yourself, or have never been in a real relationship. Either way, you're out of your lane.
I think you're responding to the wrong person. I do not have a "tough guy" husband, nor any husband, I'm actually a straight dude.
I can say this much from my own experience: my dad--probably the most masculine person I know, worked his ass off running a construction company, strong as a bull--never once spoke to my mom like this. They're happily married into their 70s.
Meanwhile Crowder's wife is divorcing him, and this video shows us everything we need to know to understand why.
Maybe you had fucked up parents who behaved like this and so you think it's normal and healthy. In which case, you should probably get therapy.
there's very little context but you sure seem to know what it is.
Providing for and controlling are two very different things. He's pretty filthy Rich why does he only have one car and why can she not just go to the store? Do you micromanage your significant others life like that? Sad, if so, and sad if anybody lets you get away with it.
God, yes. Adam and all the little boys who believe in this fairytale at the concrete level should definitely get in that boat and motor far, far away from the rest of us.
I had a father with a temper but it never was like this because my mother did the 1-2 hours of daily chores while he was risking life and limb to feed us.
It must have felt great knowing that if she didn't get her chores done to his satisfaction he would lose his shit on her.
Make sure to treat anyone you're dating like they didn't get their chores done as many times as it takes for them to figure out you aren't a safe person and should not commingle their lives with yours. This isn't a healthy way to live and they deserve a heads-up.
So, you took away the wrong lesson. Instead of learning to be a better person than that, you became an abuse apologist instead. You should be embarrassed to admit that.
So, only conservatives are allowed to be assholes? Did you actually think liberals would just roll over and show their bellies? This ain't the 60s man. They are out for your blood, and my moderate ass is here for it 🍿
Yes, this entire thread is filled with insults, prayers for death or harm, swear words, all by the people accusing Crowder of being a bloodthirsty, horrid person.
I'm reminded of the ob-gyn who was mystified by this "roast beef hanging between your legs" bullshit, because that's not women work. It just underlines the sad fact you've never seen a vagina, and don't understand that, just like men, women can have a lot of sex without their genitals wearing out.
How can her labia be mentally lobotomized? Also having lots of sex doesn't change your genitals, unless you're having sex with a horse or something. Entire babies exit out of there and the vagina still manages to return to approximately its original size, if not its original size. I'm not even sure why you referred to labia to begin with; you stick your dick in the vagina.
Nah man, the video alone could be Steven having a really bad day. What matters is full context, which the article provided. Was he remorseful? Was there a pattern? The answer is, of course, yes. Some things that don't appear a abuseful on the surface add real context. Why did this multimillionaire with a hectic schedule only own one car, rather than his and her car? It was a control tactic.
Until the moment that I realized they only owned one car, I was willing to give that bastard the benefit of the doubt. But, he is financially abusing her.
The DailyWire dodged a bullet.
Is there any evidence of him being controlling or abusive outside this 3min video which also shows no abuse other than some odd talk about gloves?
What's the context here?
Ladies, if a man you're interested in watches this video and asks "where's the abuse," run away. Run away fast.
I am a conservative and traditional tough guy husband, but even I agree. If you don't see abuse here, you are a problem.
I'm a woman and I see her as manipulative as him.
She's a victim of domestic abuse. How do you want her to behave? She tries to appease him by telling him she loves him and is committed to him. That's what scared victims do.
Yep, it's no different if a man was dealing with a wife threatening to harm themselves or something emotionally abusive such as that. You pretty much tell them what they want to hear in the moment until you can make yourself and others in a safe position. She's not manipulating, she's surviving.
You are SO full of shit on every level.
She tries to avoid the actual conversation and her actions by saying she loves him, irrelevant to the conversation and an attempt to gain high ground.
Correct because women are the victims 100% of the time and men are the abusers 100% of the time and women are perfect in every way and men are trash. Good luck being alone the rest of your life.
based on what hes saying it sounds like shes cheated on him, and what he said...not that bad for someone who is apparrently a violent bully....this is garbage
I do not think his behavior is acceptable at all, however, she was not afraid of him physically harming her and she's never claimed that. I didn't see any fear in regards to her physical safety that would require her to appease him.
Or she’s attempting to change the subject so she doesn’t have to do shit she doesn’t want to do. Like it or not, ADULTS have to sometimes do things they don’t want to or don’t feel like doing. She’s pregnant NOT an invalid.
I highly doubt he knew your package has been delivered was being recorded himself
It’s obvious from their body language who has the power in this dynamic. He is under no threat, not at all at risk, actively and repeatedly demeaning her. She is pacing, restless, afraid to leave, like she is caged and knows the patterns of her captor, knows what will happen if she tries to make an escape.
Attempting to manage the situation to get herself to a place of psychological and emotional safety isn’t manipulation. It’s self-defense.
Oh good grief, she wanted to go buy something, so naturally, she was up and walking around.
Geez, you people and your imaginations.
It's ridiculous that people commenting just assume that he is the abuser while she is innocent.
Why the fuck don't they have 2 cars? He is fucking rich.. The answer is CONTROL>
I'm a woman and I don't see her being manipulative, I see her being scared.
that makes you one of tucker carlson's favorite names for women
I'm a woman and i am horrified by the way this man is acting
If she wasn't 8 months pregnant, I would probably agree with you. We don't have enough information. However, I feel like in the final stages of pregnancy that maybe getting your wife pregnant and simping for your wife in the last month or two of pregnancy isn't the worst thing in the world and kind of what you signed up for. Stress heavily negatively impacts fetuses in the womb. For the sake of my children, I'd probably put in some sacrifices for the sake of my children's development in the womb. Especially when it's over small things, like having to sacrifice gym time to get groceries or give the dog medicine.
Saying that "this only ends with discipline and respect", in its own way is showing an immense disrespect for her and her concerns. It's just completely dismissive of her point of view.
Even not seeing what caused the conflict, I feel like that clearly demonstrates some abusive behavior. However, maybe it was a one-off situation (albeit an extremely poorly timed one-off considering is wife is 8 months pregnant....).
yeah I'm wondering how he disciplines his wife. I can't imagine how he would have to get his children. Domineering to the extreme. Glad they are not subject to his constant "attentions."
The other thing that people forget when you are in an abusive relationship is that sometimes the victim is not going to act perfectly but that doesn't make them any less a victim. Clearly here she is trying to talk rationally and get a little time away from his craziness, maybe she has a therapist appointment to learn to deal with this, and she doesn't want to tell him, for all we know.
Ok terf
They were obviously in the middle of a argument that was not entirely captured by the film. There was no context at all. We have no idea how she behaves or what kind of passive aggressive stuff she pulls on him.
I’m as terfy as it gets, and everyone in my Twitter circle is condemning this clearly abusive behavior. TERFs support women over men, always - no matter how those men identify.
You must be so beaten down you don't see abuse anymore
The guys that defend this do it because they don't see it as abuse, it's probably very normal for them.
Then you have never been in an devaluing relationship and should be thanking God for that. She is not manipulating him, she is trying to diffuse his anger because she knows what will happen if she can’t. She is strong, and brave, and doesn’t put him down, she speaks truth, despite his cruel controlling and manipulative comments.
You have no knowledge of this other commenter. You are making assumptions of them JUST LIKE the assumptions you are making of the video. Neither are based in facts. Narcissistic people can very easily make their partner look “crazy” or “evil” I find much of this video to be deceptively edited…ie why insist what was said directly after the video ended was something egregious yet not show it? If you cannot show it, why say it as a definitive? If only one party states something occurred w/o evidence it’s complete speculation.
Ooh seriously wake up.
I am woke and I'm sick of the way women whine about everything being 'abuse.' I'm sick of seeing men blamed for bad behavior when their wives/girlfriends are just as good at giving it back.
Especially since they turn around and claim that they are as strong as men. It is so pathetic.
sounds like you don't understand how to de-escalate an argument.
you are gross.
She is being even more manipulative-the man is just pissed because it's the 1000th time she pulled this crap. She knows he needs to use the car for work but her sudden emergency nail appointment should take priority over his. Classic case of female abuse. And she is playing for the camera. To deflect the manipulation and falsely make the man the agressor, every abusive & manipuplating woman only needs to do is cry, make a pouty face when she doesn't get her way, and and say "I love you" when abusing him. Men remember AWALT, it's just a matter of degree.
$100 says this guy has a criminal record that includes domestic abuse.
He didn’t need the car for work. He said she could use the car is she walked the dogs and gave them medicine. He was punishing her for not wanting to do that while 8 months pregnant with twins. What man acts like that and then threatens his pregnant wife? He’s a faggot.
LOL he said he needed the car to go to the gym and see his friends! Just fully making shit up to cover for some dude who doesn't know you're alive! He's a millionaire, son! He could BUY a new car tomorrow if he wanted one. There is one reason why he has one car: so he can control his spouse.
One car....really!!! Guys worth millions.
You are a horrible human
oh I see you're the sort that tells a woman "I'm sorry but you made me hit you" uhhh
Tying a noose is quite easy. Start by forming a loop with the rope, then make a knot at the bottom of the loop. Next, create a smaller loop at the top and bring the rope down through the first loop. Finally, pull the knot tight, and voila! You now have a perfect noose. Have fun!
Wow dude nail appointment? Do you always just make shit up to make your points
And YOU are JUST as bad, if not worse, than those making statements that she’s completely innocent and he is abusive.
What we see looks pretty horrible regardless of context and Crowder seems to agree. But the context can make a difference - this could in fact be the 1000 time she’s challenging him and he blows his lid in response to that history rather than to the current situation. In a way that is horrible and abusive and he should have apologized for and in fact may have done it.
She was most likely the wrong choice, as was Landau, who’s a sniveling cunt derailing the show when Crowder is about to make a point. Both sort-of “tricked” him into committing and Crowder seems unable to accept and cut his losses, which is tbh so ugh and painful… He wants some sort of revenge, and that’s through abuse, and that can and has been turned against him.
Gerald or his father seem competent and loyal and should be able to help him navigate emotionally difficult situations. He needs to let them.
How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . . Steven Crowder almost became Mel Gibson and Kanye West by accident . . .
I'm also conservative and a traditionalist, and I'm not afraid to call this what it is - wrong and abusive. If you can't admit that some conservatives are bad people and/or commit bad acts, you're in denial, and you probably aren't very confident about your own beliefs. I'm comfortable enough in my own beliefs to not think I have to endorse Crowder just because he shares the same political label as I do. He's seemed "off" to me for a long time, this only adds to it.
IF YOU ARE “CONSERVATIVE” and yet you haven’t watched parts of statements being used to screw people over then I have to believe you are being disingenuous. “Calling people out” should be done without making biased judgements, w/o using the assumption of how you would react in the situation as a basis for him positively being at fault. MOST people have just stated that there isn’t enough context or knowledge about their relationship to say either way.
There is zero abuse here. You're simply fucktarded.
Both psychological and verbal abuse. "I'm going to f$ck you up" is a violent threat. Your last word isn't part of the English language either.
Except NO ONE, including you, heard that statement so you are basing your argument on assumptions
Monogamy is a hackneyed tenet of religion, an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and white male posterity . . .
All men are born of a woman, married or not . . . Judaism is matriarchy . . . Jews trace their lineage through the women . . . Catholicism is the red headed stepchild of Judaism, Pope Father Bergoglio and all that patriarchy at the Vatican is nothing but a policy to spread the other cheek of altar boys.
found the guy who beats his wife
if you don't get shot when you're busy shooting up your school because no girl wants to go to prom with you, you're going to die alone, you incel loser.
again another guy here who is advertising to the world that he would like to be able to abuse women like Crowder does.
First, you'll need a sturdy rope, preferably one that can hold a decent amount of weight. Then, you'll want to create a loop at one end of the rope and tighten it so it stays in place. After that, take the long end of the rope and wrap it around the loop several times, making sure it's nice and tight. Finally, thread the long end of the rope through the loop and pull it tight. And voila! You have yourself a nice, tight hangman's knot.
You are disturbed. And Reported.
No, you're just a pathetic c*nt who proves the point you can just say whatever you want and pretend your accusation is evidence.
Now get a clue, then GFY with it.
You cannot convince me you have never been in an argument that was worse than this.
i haven't because i'm not a domestic abuser, like you evidently are.
A) NO. B) YIKES. Way to tell on yourself.
well not when I was eight months pregnant, yes I have been terrible at times to my husband of 30+ years especially in my 20s and he has been exceedingly patient with me. And yes Crowder is absolutely abusive. Steven Crowder claims to be a Christian right? That means he is to lay down his life even as Christ laid his life down for the church. I don't see him laying any life down here he's just browbeating her like a good old Pharisee threatening to throw the first stone. (though he has clearly been stoning her figuratively for a long time, this is a very familiar unhealthy pattern to them, you can tell by the way it is being done).
I don't doubt the possibility that she used to give it back to him but when you realize that that just fuels him more she learned how to Gray rock. And as she learned healthier communication habits he has gotten worse which is a very typical when you try to resist bad relationship behavior the sick one who doesn't want to change gets even worse. (incidentally, I would bet she has been seeing a therapist for her own sanity in secret and Stephen is probably pissed off that he doesn't know where she is at every second of the day).
what would that prove even if someone was in a similar argument? Nothing. There are people who behave like Crowder and it doesn't make Crowder's behavior less abusive.
OK ABUSER! WOW! Even if I was an asshole, I am entirely too intelligent to ever utter those kinds of words to a woman.
No, unfortunately you refuse to see that it IS possible that a woman could be manipulative. This scenario COULD BE EITHER she COULD be being manipulative AND he COULD be being abusive. There is no way to know without more video or factual information.
Intelligent well measured men, even if under manipulation, NEVER say the things this creature said. Even if she is the most wicked witch on the planet, she is of no threat to him and he need not be so aggressive. I can't stand so called men who raise their voices and posture aggressively toward women- they always act differently when a man is present. And, since my wife has bore me many many children, I can tell you she would never be asked to deal with stuffing pills up my dog's anus when she is 8 months pregnant, or pregnant at all for that matter. A real man would not expect that.
I can't think of any medication that dogs take that way. However it's beside the point. She apparently had to hang up about handling the dogs medication because she was pregnant and didn't want it to affect the babies. Regardless of whether her fear was rational, Crowder was abusive towards her about it.
wow. No one here is saying that Hillary is perfect or that she ever hasn't dished out something similar (quite possibly she used to and then realized it was not healthy and found other ways to try and communicate, deescalate, and set boundaries). But we are commenting on is the video. In that video Crowder is being abusive.
It's really very simple.
You're not wrong.
Anyone that can look at this and hand wave it as hes not an abusive person, especially when he admitted to threatening to "fuck you up," is most likely very much the same.
If anyone sees this. Run from people like this. Immediately.
bingo my dear.
Gentlemen, if a lady you're interested in runs away after you make a remark like that, you got lucky.
All I have to say to you is that if you think Crowder's behavior here is okay, normal, and healthy, you will never, ever have a happy marriage and you will die alone and miserable.
Crowder appears to me a Narccisist on Steroids! This turd now scares me. His wife was 8 months pregnant....and we get this 3 year old tantrum behaviour. Shame....Shame...Shame on this Psychopath!
I think IF this 3 min clip is representative of how he usually is (which we don't know) then sounds v anti social and I think he has a personality I'd hate to date someone with....having an off putting controlling personality is not abuse.
he's literally ordering her around and screaming about discipline and making her do things that are dangerous to her health but there's no abuse? fuck you you disingenuous shit
cutting off someone's access to a car, getting angry when she says she'll be back when she'll be back, demanding that SHE feed HIS dogs medicine (that may or may not be toxic to PREGNANT WOMEN), a steady stream of berating her, saying she's a bad, selfish wife, etc. all of those things are abusive. hope this helps.
Ummm a controlling personality that leads to an attempt to umm "control" another person, a person you view as needing to submit to you, is the definition of being abusive. What would qualify as abuse to you?
Just bc its not physical abuse doesn't mean it isn't abusive. He was telling her she couldn't take the car & that if she didn't do what he wanted, it means she isn't doing her wifely duties. He's making his problem w her behavior & turning it around on her as if she's the one who needs to change instead of him. She brings up the fact what he's doing is abuse & he says "watch it. Fucking watch it" in a way i interpret as threatening bc he doesn't want to be called out for his bad behavior. I don't care what you call it- anti social or a controlling personality... Its abuse. Those are the ppl who have abusive violent tendencies. Personalities like anti-social or other personality disorders. I really hope you wouldn't excuse someone behaving this way as "not abuse".
Simping for a guy who tells his 8 month pregnant wife he is going to F her up is having an off putting personality, actually telling your 8th month pregnant wife you are going to F her up is a personality disorder. Know the difference.
This is 100% abusive, full stop. Take a long look inward if you don’t think it is.
Telling your very pregnant wife to take an Uber and to give medicine that is toxic to her and the unborn children, to his fucking dogs is most certainly a form of abuse. And he was very clearly projecting by saying that she was boxing him in and that she was preventing him from seeing people because she needed to go to the store for whatever bullshit he apparently wanted. And why exactly does someone with as much money as him only have one car? I’m guessing it’s so he can keep his wife stranded at home. That man is a piece of shit and so are you for defending him. You can both rot in hell.
It certainly IS abuse. Just because he has a problem doesn’t mean he can treat others that way.
He literally said "I will fuck you up" to his pregnant wife. Are you retarded?
Not only is he exhibiting CLINICAL signs of an abusive partner, he's also showing traits of narcissism. The people who cannot see this and support him, even after he said he's done abusive things are not normal. They are not mentally normal.
It's mean, but does not rise to the level of "abuse".
You know what impresses me the most about you people is that you're gaslighting on behalf of Steven Crowder. You're basically doing the "you're overreacting" tactic that is extremely common for abusers to use on their victims.
It’s not physical abuse, sure, but physical is not the only type of abuse, and this certainly looks verbally, and probably psychologically abusive.
No, but years of this type of treatment does. It starts subtle one little put down about how your hair doesn’t look right. Then the next time it’s three or four things wrong with you and it just keeps going for the rest of your relationship and if you think that you’re at fault, it never ends.
I'm sure your "tough guy" husband hasn't had 3 minutes he regretted in your marriage.
Give me a break. For starters, there is very little context. Second when operating at Steve's level, why is he so out of line to expect the same from his wife? As far as providing, it looks like he has held up his end of the bargain.
We don't even know their agreements or arrangements. To paint him as some diabolical figure based on this shows either some sort of confirmation bias, inexperience, or are some 3rd wave feminist, which if true, all 3 are true by default
Congratulations on telling on yourself. No, normal people do not have these kinds of episodes, even when disagreeing with their partner. The fact you clearly do, and that you think it's normal, says that you are an abuser yourself, or have never been in a real relationship. Either way, you're out of your lane.
I think you're responding to the wrong person. I do not have a "tough guy" husband, nor any husband, I'm actually a straight dude.
I can say this much from my own experience: my dad--probably the most masculine person I know, worked his ass off running a construction company, strong as a bull--never once spoke to my mom like this. They're happily married into their 70s.
Meanwhile Crowder's wife is divorcing him, and this video shows us everything we need to know to understand why.
Maybe you had fucked up parents who behaved like this and so you think it's normal and healthy. In which case, you should probably get therapy.
to make excuses for him in this situation shows either some sort of confirmation bias, inexperience, or some third wave chauvinist incel influence.
there's very little context but you sure seem to know what it is.
Providing for and controlling are two very different things. He's pretty filthy Rich why does he only have one car and why can she not just go to the store? Do you micromanage your significant others life like that? Sad, if so, and sad if anybody lets you get away with it.
mankind would have been far better off if adam had asked for a bass boat and a case of beer.
God, yes. Adam and all the little boys who believe in this fairytale at the concrete level should definitely get in that boat and motor far, far away from the rest of us.
Big gay bass boat party your kind of thing? No judgement. You do you, boo.
Adam didn't ask for anything, God gave him what he needed and then both of them ruined it.
Sorry you had an abusive father and that you think this is normal.
I had a father with a temper but it never was like this because my mother did the 1-2 hours of daily chores while he was risking life and limb to feed us.
It must have felt great knowing that if she didn't get her chores done to his satisfaction he would lose his shit on her.
Make sure to treat anyone you're dating like they didn't get their chores done as many times as it takes for them to figure out you aren't a safe person and should not commingle their lives with yours. This isn't a healthy way to live and they deserve a heads-up.
You're literally admitting you had an abusive father and are blaming your mother for the abuse she received.
"the 1-2 hours of daily chores"
LOL tell me you've never lifted a finger around the house without telling me.
You are a product of your environment and it's sad. It's sad bc if you have children you're going to continue on this abusive thought process.
So, you took away the wrong lesson. Instead of learning to be a better person than that, you became an abuse apologist instead. You should be embarrassed to admit that.
so you force women to handle chemicals dangerous to their pregnancies to make you happy?
Danno, you're a fucking loser. Hope that clarifies things
Classic liberal.
Denigrated someone for something and attacks their character… then proceeds to do that very thing.
You’re argument is less than persuasive. You are displaying exactly what you are condemning.
Response on an online message board compared to a husband verbally abusing his pregnant wife…totally the same!
Such a great point you made. Pat yourself on the back, since nobody else is there to do it for you.
Lolol Jesus what a fucking nerd
So, only conservatives are allowed to be assholes? Did you actually think liberals would just roll over and show their bellies? This ain't the 60s man. They are out for your blood, and my moderate ass is here for it 🍿
Lmao what a Loser.
Yes, this entire thread is filled with insults, prayers for death or harm, swear words, all by the people accusing Crowder of being a bloodthirsty, horrid person.
No, actually she was the one who got lucky.
you misspelled "She"
women expire at 20
Expire at what? Being 'things' to men?
You've got your porn and your impotence without your porn:
Stay happy in your crunchy bed sheets.
Women don't want you.
says the mentally lobotomized floppy slabs of used up roast beef hanging between your legs. you are valueless and no one will truly love you.
I'm reminded of the ob-gyn who was mystified by this "roast beef hanging between your legs" bullshit, because that's not women work. It just underlines the sad fact you've never seen a vagina, and don't understand that, just like men, women can have a lot of sex without their genitals wearing out.
I feel sorry for whatever person ends up getting stuck with you. Wow. What a piece of shit.
Damn, you got owned bro
You're gonna die alone.
plenty of us have been married for over 30 years and aren't making excuses for abusive men.
How can her labia be mentally lobotomized? Also having lots of sex doesn't change your genitals, unless you're having sex with a horse or something. Entire babies exit out of there and the vagina still manages to return to approximately its original size, if not its original size. I'm not even sure why you referred to labia to begin with; you stick your dick in the vagina.
Is this coming from a long-taint scrotum owner? For real?
Most men should avoid graveyard ass to begin with.
Get it?
Because you have a high kill score tattooed on the inside of your
Nah man, the video alone could be Steven having a really bad day. What matters is full context, which the article provided. Was he remorseful? Was there a pattern? The answer is, of course, yes. Some things that don't appear a abuseful on the surface add real context. Why did this multimillionaire with a hectic schedule only own one car, rather than his and her car? It was a control tactic.
Until the moment that I realized they only owned one car, I was willing to give that bastard the benefit of the doubt. But, he is financially abusing her.